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以昆曲、古琴等教学实践为例看中国传统音乐对大学生文化素质的影响 中英文摘要            【字体:
以昆曲、古琴等教学实践为例看中国传统音乐对大学生文化素质的影响 中英文摘要
作者:焦志丽    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



首都师范大学 硕士论文 导师:姚思源  

中文摘要 “交响乐进入大学校园”随着前国务院总理李岚清建议的提出,随之严肃音乐在大学校园的逐渐普及,校园红红火火的精神文明的建设,国民素质的普遍提高,随之西方和东方、现代和传统的不同音乐在大学校园的发展。本文从本土出发,从中国民族传统音乐方面,看中国传统音乐对大学生文化素质的影响。中国传统音乐文化历史悠久,内涵丰富。目前最早、最普遍的将中国传统音乐划分为五大类:民歌和古代歌曲、歌舞和舞蹈音乐、说唱音乐、戏曲音乐、民族器乐。本文以其中的戏曲音乐和民族器乐中的代表乐种和乐器—昆曲和古琴为特色教学,以小见大,看大学生对本土音乐的领悟和理解。昆曲曾经被国人长期痴迷近几个世纪。古琴曾是古代文人墨客的必修之器,然而现今昆曲、古琴都成了世界文化遗产。我们在学习吸收西方外来文化文明的同时,大学生需要有更多的民族音乐的素养。一个国家、一个民族要有自己的特色文化,要有自己的音乐灵魂。课堂实践证明在高校实施特色音乐课程是必要的。对大学生实施民族音乐瑰宝之教育:1、多听听、多看看;2、多比较、多研究;3、多责任、多义务。教学方法是;1、以曲为先,普及知识。利用音响、音像、多媒体或实物演奏等手段,先欣赏名曲或名剧如《高山流水》或《牡丹亭》片断,间接引入音乐常识及相关知识,多调动学生的积极性,采用学习与实践相结合,启发诱导式教学,让昆曲与古琴进课堂。2、乐器为辅,提高兴趣。课堂上将古琴、琵琶等乐器带来,选择有代表性的曲目进行现场演奏,使学生和高雅乐器近距离的接触,对乐器的音色、质感、形状等等有更深刻的记忆和感悟,更容易调动学生的兴奋点和积极性。3、加强欣赏,开拓视野。多用图片、光盘和网络。给同学介绍经典曲目,让大家在课余之外有选择的加强欣赏。4、讲解名人音乐典故,引起学生的好奇心与求知欲。了解“百戏之祖”—昆曲的历史及地位,学习昆曲的基础知识。辨别昆曲、昆腔和昆剧的区别。欣赏昆曲名剧《牡丹亭》、《长生殿》。了解“众乐之王”—古琴的基础知识及文学、绘画艺术与古琴的联系。欣赏古琴曲《高山流水》、《梅花三弄》、《阳关三叠》《胡笳十八拍》。和学生在课堂中产生互动,彼此沟通交流。由此特色课程教学,看到中国传统音乐对大学生文化素质的影响。在潜移默化中提高了审美能力和鉴赏能力;增强了想象力和创新能力;影响了世界观、人生观、价值观;增强了文化涵养;增加了义务和责任;增强了民族爱国之情。增强了对生活的热爱,增强了自信心;引发了更多的反省与深思。民族传统音乐的普及还需要国家的重视和国家政策的倾斜。需要国家教育部门的大力支持,需要音乐教师的奉献精神。  

英文摘要 As the policy of symphony entering university was put forward by the former primer minister Li Lanqing, serious music gradually become popularized on the campus of universities. The thriving promotion of spiritual civilization on campus and the quality improvement at large of Chinese citizen's brought about, the different development of west and east music, modern and traditional music on universities campus. This paper which is based on traditional Chinese national music examines the impact of traditional Chinese music on college students' cultural quality. Traditional Chinese music has boasted a long history and had a rich connotation. At present, the earliest and most popular traditional Chinese music can be divided into five sorts including folk songs and ancient songs, song-and-dance and dancing music, hip-hop music, opera music as well as national instrumental music. This paper takes the teaching of the last two sorts of music and their representatives—Kuqu and Guqin-- as an example to survey the college student's comprehension and understanding to our native music. For several centuries, Chinese people have been infatuated about Kuqu. Guqin is a musical instrument that the ancient literati must learn to play. But now Kuqu and Guqin have become the world cultural legacy. So when we learn to absorb the western culture and civilization, our college students should know more about out national music because one country or one nationality should have its own characteristic culture and music as well. Teaching practice proves that it is necessary for all our universities and colleges to open characteristic music lessons. In order to actualize the education of our national musical treasure, we should: 1) listen more and watch more; 2) compare more and study more; 3) take more responsibility and more obligation. The teaching methodologies are: 1) putting melody first and popularizing its knowledge. By using of stereo set, audio and video, multimedia or by playing the real instruments, let the students appreciate the famous melodies like High Mountains and Flowing Steams or Peony Pavilion and their common musical knowledge so as to arouse the students' enthusiasm. By combining learning with practice, let Kunqu and Guqin enter the classroom. 2) using musical instruments as assistant to promote interest. Take Guqin or lute to classroom and play on the spot to shorten the distance between students and the elegant instrument. The students' enthusiasm can be more easily and greatly promoted by remembering  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.8839
文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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