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理工科院校音乐公共课的教学研究            【字体:
作者:张进    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 南京师范大学  
中文关键词 理工科院校音乐公共选修课;人文素质教育;母语;多元文化;文化中的音乐  
导师 管建华  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 在当今全球化、科技信息传播的新的历史背景下,我国理工科院校音乐素质教育面临挑战。 理工科大学音乐公共选修课已成为高校实施人文素质教育的主要渠道,并在提高大学生文化素质方面发挥着重要的作用,但我们也应看到高校音乐教育因为受历史及认识局限等诸多因素,目前还处于一个摸索的阶段。当今大学音乐公共课在理工科大学中还处于边缘学科的位置,在大学生中对音乐的了解多数还处于较低的水平。因为长期固守西方音乐体系一元论价值观,许多青少年对自己音乐的“母语”一无所知,对西方以外的世界各国音乐,如东方音乐和自己周边国家的音乐所知甚少,这些都将制约着我国大学音乐素质教育的进程,也不利于培养面向世界,面向未来,并具有全球文化意识的高素质人才。本文就大学音乐素质教育现状,以及对大学生基本音乐素质状况的调查,结合当今国际上最新音乐教育趋势提出新时期理工科高校音乐教育的发展方向及课程目标设置。 我们应从大学音乐教育的“普及性”、“人文性”、“民主性”着手,注重培养全面发展的人。我们的音乐素质教育应从“音乐艺术作品”转向“文化中的音乐”,把音乐当作文化来传授。在教学内容中加强中国传统音乐文化的传承、弘扬和以多元文化为基础的世界音乐的课程建设。在以多学科为基础的音乐教育和音乐学习思想下创造一个认知的学习环境,激发其学习音乐的兴趣,从而提高其自身的综合素养,达到我们培养21世纪高素质人才的目的。

In the era of globalization and information, quality education in music needs to be improved in the college. Establishing College Music as an elective course has become an important factor in conducting quality education in the university and is playing a major role in improving the quality of college students. But on the other hand, due to some historical reasons and the limitation of cognitive ability music education in our country is still at primary stage. Currently College Music has not drawn enough concern in the colleges of science and engineering and the students have only a superficial understanding of the music. Solely sticking to western music system, many youths are ignorant of other music styles of their own country and know little about eastern music and that of the neighboring countries. The situation has become a barrier to fostering high quality personnel with the sense of globalization to face up to the world and the future. Through analyzing the current situation and the latest trend in music education, and a survey report of the college students' knowledge in music, this dissertation proposes the future of College Music education in the colleges of science and engineering and the aims of this course. Music education in colleges should have the quality of popularity, humanism and democracy. Instead of showing students music pieces, teachers are supposed to enable the students to appreciate the culture implied by the music, in other words, music should be taught as a kind of culture. Therefore also included in the curriculum should be the Chinese traditional music culture and world music based on multi-culture. Creating a musical atmosphere to arouse the students' interest in music will result in improving their comprehensive cultivation and attaining our goal of fostering the high quality personnel for the 21~(st) century.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10319.2.2005.8099


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