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立足本地民歌因地制宜提高大学生人文素养            【字体:
作者:李闽    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 普通高校;本地音乐;山西民歌;人文素养  
导师 孟维平  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学  

作为普通高校公共艺术教育的组成部分,音乐教育已成为实施大学生素质教育的重要渠道,并在提高大学生人文素养方面发挥了积极而富有成效的作用。但依过去的情况来看,普通高校公共音乐课“重西轻中”的现象比较普遍。另外由于媒体等的导向作用,使得有些大学生将流行音乐作为全部,而忽略了作为一个大学生应该具备的基本审美素质的培养,导致了对民族音乐的淡漠以及民族意识的缺失。 山西民歌是山西大学生最为熟悉和亲切的歌曲,它具有深厚的历史文化底蕴,是一种具有很高审美价值和人文研究价值的文化财富,是山西人民精神气质的象征。人们常说“一方水土养一方人”,山西民歌所产生的地理背景、社会背景、文化背景与学生成长的环境一脉相承,这方音乐的土壤较外来的音乐要更具亲和力,更容易让学生领会其深厚的思想精髓,从而得到精神上的享受。本土人演唱本土歌曲,对于喜欢唱歌的大学生来说是很有吸引力的。所以,在山西高校对大学生进行富有特色的山西优秀民歌教学,不仅能让他们在旋律中体味到音乐的艺术魅力.在情绪轻松愉快的同时得到美的陶冶、积累对我们自己的音乐文化中沉积的音乐审美情感,还可以让他们从歌词中进一步了解山西一定时代、地域的政治、文化生活,深刻体会前辈们对生活的理解、对理想的追求、对未来的向往,认识先辈的优良传统,得到真和善的启迪,提高识别生活和洞察人生的能力,从而丰富学识,在潜移默化中培养和提高民族心理素质,提高其综合素质。 本课题通过对当代大学生音乐兴趣的现状分析,反映出了高校忽视民族音乐尤其是本土音乐教育的现象。笔者试图通过对高校公共音乐教育的性质、山西民歌与山西大学生的人文素养关系、山西民歌的价值、山西大学生学习山西优秀民歌的意义等问题的剖析,以及对如何有效进行山西民歌教学的探讨,进一步深化“以本地民歌作为一种人文教育的重要途径来认识音乐素质的培养对人的发展所起的作用”这一意识,呼吁各高校都来重视对大学生的本地民歌教  

英文摘要 As a component of public art education in common universities, the music education has become a course of improving the undergraduates' quality development. At the same time, music education plays a vitally important and active role in the development of them. However, in reviewing the past few years, we emphasizes too much on the western cultures in music teaching while little attention is paid to the eastern parts. Besides this, due to the guide of the mass media and the public voice, some students regard the pop music to be the whole content contained in music, so they neglect the necessary training in aesthetic appreciation, which leads to their indifference of folk music even causes the loss of their national consciousness. Shanxi's songs are what university students from Shanxi are most familiar with. It has a very high value of appreciating beauty and has a meaningful value of humanity study, which is rich cultural wealth. It is a symbol of Shanxi's natives'spirit, reflecting the long and profound historical content of culture. It's often said, "People who have the same characteristic come from the same place". The geography background, the social background, and the cultural background that the Shanxi folk song produces are related to the surroundings where the students grow up. Compared with foreign music, the students can appreciate the folk music profoundly, and easily obtain the gist of native folk songs so that they have a spiritual enjoyment. The natives sing their own native songs. They are so attractive for those who are fond of singing them. Hence that in the universities we direct our students to learn folk music not only can allow them to assimilate the charming features in the melody, in which they could acquire the knowledge about folk music itself in a relaxing atmosphere, and at the meantime they accumulate experience about how to appreciate it, but  
DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040481

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