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研究性学习在高师和声教学改革中的应用研究            【字体:
作者:张睿    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 东北师范大学  

中文关键词 高师和声教育; 研究性学习; 改革; 方法应用  

导师 王日昌  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学



20 世纪以来,中国的基础教育开始了从应试教育向素质教育的全面转轨。而中小学的素质教育的推进必须以教师的素质提高作为前提。因此,近年来高等师范院校也把提高高等师范专业学生的全面素质作为重要的教学培养目标,提到了显著的重要位置。随着素质教育的大力推行,研究性学习方法的优越性得以很大程度的发挥,在国内外的中小学教育实践中研究性学习都取得了很大的成功。目前,研究性学习已经列入新的中小学教育大纲中,占有重要的地位。但是,在国内大学教育中研究性学习的应用尚且不足。从而限制了准基础教师的全面素质的提高,也影响了中小学教育中研究性学习的进行。因此,在高等教育中研究性学习更是应该广泛开展以来适应新的教学需要。高师音乐教育专业的教学改革近年来取得了可喜的成绩,但是还存在许多问题。例如,教学的刻板化,学生的积极性差,教育手段陈旧等。笔者正是根据中小学素质教育对音乐教师的要求,通过对高师音乐和声课程的改革的具体方案的研究,确定了研究性学习方法在高师音乐和声课程教学当中的运用的可行性与巨大推动性。本论文将从当前高师和声教学现状、研究性学习的理论以及优秀应用经验入手,运用文献阅读法、比较研究法、理论研究法、访学法等形式研究高师和声教学改革中应用研究性学习方法的具体方案。论文分四个部分: 第一部分 介绍现阶段高师音乐教育中和声学的教学现况。此部分将从高师音乐教育和声专业的课程设置、培养目标、教学实施以及教学手段及其现况的不足入手,指出针对当前教育进行改革的必要性。第二部分 详细阐述研究性学习的理论。从研究性学习的历史入手,阐明研究性学习的历史根源、涵义及重要性。并涉及到一些相关的理论作为实践的支持。 第三部分 具体的研究性学习的方法在高师和声教学领域中的应用。笔者选出适应于和声学科的五种研究性学习的方法与和声学教学相结合。详细说明每种的含义以及可行性,并给出具体的实施方案。第四部分 结论。概括全文的思想观点,给出相应的建议。


英文摘要 Since the 20th century, chinas elementary education has started a thorough transformation of previous exam-oriented education into quality-oriented education. The advance of quality-oriented education at primary school and middle school has to be guaranteed by improving educators intrinsic qualities. Thus the higher normal universities in china have recently highlighted their essential goal, i.e. educating students of all-round qualities, to which great importance has been attached. As the policy of quality-oriented education is carried out, the method has exerted its advantages at a great extent, to which a remarkable success is achieved in the elementary education practices of china and other countries. At present, service learning has been written into the new syllabus for primary schools and middle schools as well, enjoying a dominating status. For our domestic higher education, however, service learning has not been sufficiently adopted yet, consequently blocking the quality improvement of those who are going to teach at primary schools or middle schools after graduation, and limiting its use for elementary education as well. Therefore, service learning ought to be widely promoted in the higher education of China so as to meet the new educational needs. Despite the gratifying achievements in recent years, the music instruction of higher normal education still has some problems after a series of teaching reforms, for example, the stereotyped instruction, the outdated instructional means and the less activeness of students in study. With regard to the requirements for the music teachers of elementary education, the writer defines the feasibilities and enormous impetus of applying service learning to the harmony teaching of higher music instruction by investigating its specific reform plans. This thesis intends to focus on this concrete scheme of application by means of reading documents, comparative research and theoretical research, which will present such topics as related theories of service learning, worthwhile experience in using it and the current situation of harmony teaching in higher normal education.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2005.3060


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