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中西记谱法研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
中西记谱法研究 中英文摘要
作者:杨健    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-25



天津师范大学 硕士论文 指导教师:孙光钧

中文摘要 文字是记录语言的基本工具,音符是记录音乐的基本工具。文字的诞生帮助了语言的传播,记谱法的诞生使音乐不断地传承。 传统是一条河。记谱法就是这条河里的一条涓涓细流,它从这条河里诞生,也将随着这条河流向远方。无论是在中国还是在西方还是在其它地方,因记谱法的出现使得音乐可以记录、承载、传播。记谱法在音乐发展史上占有不容忽视的重要位置。本文通过对中国和西方(欧洲)记谱法的学习、研究、对比,说明其产生、发展与人类社会的产生、发展是密不可分的。记谱法的诞生使音乐得以不断地传承,而音乐的传承又使记谱法不断地得到改进与发展。绪言部分谈到了记谱法的产生、发展,说明记谱法的诞生是人类社会发展的产物。不同的民族、地区,不同的时代,不同的历史文化背景产生的记谱法是不尽相同的。自从记谱法的诞生之日起,人们几乎没有间断过对它的改进与研究。第一部分:把本人所了解到的中国和西方(欧洲)的记谱法作以罗列介绍,说明记谱法的发展与变化。 第二部分:从社会学、哲学等角度对中国和西方的记谱法作以分析。 第三部分:说明记谱法对音乐传承的作用。第四部分:论述记谱法的文化内涵。 第五部分:论述怎样在当今音乐教育中实施记谱法的教学 


英文摘要 "Note is the tool of documenting music just as script is the tool of recording human language." The birth of notation makes music go down in history while the occurrence facilitates the spread language. "Tradition is a river." Then the notation is one part of it. It stems from the river and flows forward with it. No matter in China or in the West, the occurrence of the notation makes it possible for the music's record, transmission and spread. Hence , it has played a pretty significant role in the history music development. This paper will illustrate that the occurrence and development of notation has a close tie with those of human society. The notation has realized the possibility transmission of music, which makes notation improved continually. The introduction touches upon the birth and development of notation, and shows that the birth of notation is the product of development of human society. However, notation shows a different face in different people, region, era and different historic culture background. Since the appearance of the notation, the study on it has never been stopped. Section I. Notation of China and Europe is enumerated. It's development and variation. Section II. It's analysis in terms of sociology, anthropology and history. Section III. Explanation of the role played by notation in music inheritance. Section IV. The argumentation of cultural connotation of notation. Section V. The argumentation of conducting notation teaching in the current music education.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:11920.2.2006.2127


文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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