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在内蒙古高校公共艺术教学中加强蒙古族音乐内容的价值及可行性研究            【字体:
作者:张婷    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-18


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 内蒙古地区;蒙古族民间音乐;普通高校;公共艺术课程  
导师 杜晓十  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 蒙古族民间音乐具有较高的美学价值。蒙古族民间音乐教育的缺失,是内蒙古地区音乐教育界一个比较普遍的现象,这一现象在内蒙古地区普通高校的公共艺术课教育中较为明显。 在本论文中,笔者采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法和比较研究等研究方法,以内蒙古大学、内蒙古工业大学、内蒙古农业大学为研究对象,对内蒙古地区普通高校的大学生学习蒙古族民间音乐情况的现状做了具体的调查,并对高校公共艺术教育中存在的民族音乐教育缺失的现象进行了综合的分析。研究结果表明:内蒙古地区高校公共艺术教育中,蒙古族民间音乐教育内容的缺失,将导致大学生对蒙古族音乐文化不了解,应引起音乐教育工作者的关注。造成这种现象的主要原因有:1、蒙古族的音乐理论需要进一步的完善。2、公共艺术教育课程中蒙古族音乐教育内容较少。3、针对大学生创作的蒙古族风格音乐作品较少。4、教师本身对蒙古族音乐掌握不够。5、社会对蒙古族民间音乐传播的大环境较弱。 为此,笔者通过调查和分析,就在内蒙古地区高校公共艺术课程中加强蒙古族音乐教学内容提出可行性计划:第一,加强政策引导,营造良好的蒙古族地区音乐环境;第二,加快蒙古族民间音乐的挖掘整理,加强蒙古族音乐理论研究;第三,丰富蒙古族音乐教育活动的形式,加快教材的建设,改进音乐课程的考试评价标准;第四,提高教师蒙古族音乐的认知水平及教学水平,针对大学生的特点,调整教学侧重点。加强音乐教师对蒙古族音乐的学习,尽快掌握现代化的教学技术,适应现代化的教学任务。 在内蒙古地区高校公共艺术教育中加强蒙古族民间音乐内容的学习,是我国民族音乐教育多元化及母语教育理念的体现。这一音乐教育的实施过程是较漫长而艰巨的,需依赖全社会的各界人士的共同努力。  

英文摘要 Mongolian music itself has aesthetic values. It is a universal phenomenon for Mongolian folk music that it has been omitted in its teaching, especially in universities. In the essay, I show the results of my investigations on Mongolian music teaching and comprehensive analysis for the native music teaching in Inner Mongolian universities. The findings indicate that it is unfavorable for the transmission and development of Mongolian music. Much more attention should be paid to it and more corresponding measures should be taken. The study methods include the document and data, investigation, mathematical statistics and the comparative method of study. The example universities include Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia University of Technology and Inner Mongolia Agriculture University. Following are some of the main reasons: 1、 Mongolian music theory system needs further perfecting.2、 There are few elective courses on Mongolian music.3、 There are few pieces of Mongolian music which coincide with the university students' taste.4、 The teachers themselves lack knowledge on Mongolian music.5、 Comparatively, Mongolian music environments are not very good. As a result, the following suggestions have been made on strengthening Mongolian music teaching in universities in Inner Mongolian area: 1、 To strengthen the education policy leading in order to create a better Mongolian music environment. 2、 To strengthen the Mongolian music textbook system and its theory research. 3、 To enrich the teaching forms and improve the standard of examination and evaluation. 4、 To strengthen music education for teachers. The teachers should adjust their classes according to the university students' characteristics. Besides that, some new education techniques should be used in the class to adjust to the needs of modern education. Appropriate strengthening of Mongolian music teaching is an embodiments of poly culture and native education concept. But it has a long way to go and we need everyone to give his effort.  
DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040478


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