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小学开放式音乐课堂教学的理论研究  中英文摘要            【字体:
小学开放式音乐课堂教学的理论研究  中英文摘要
作者:于长悦    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-27



学位授予单位 东北师范大学  

中文关键词 开放 ;开放教育; 课堂教学 ; 课程 ; 音乐课程标准  

导师 尹爱青  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 在全面推进素质教育的过程中,基础教育课程改革是一个核心问题。课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学。而学校音乐教育主要是通过课堂教学形式来实现的。因此,音乐课堂教学是音乐课程改革,甚至是音乐教育改革最重要、最直接的途径。本文通过对开放教育、新《音乐课程标准》的研究,在对传统的音乐课堂教学进行分析、总结的基础上,对开放式音乐课堂教学进行了理论研究,并论述其特点和具体内容,以期对音乐课堂教学的建设和新《音乐课程标准》的实施,在理论上有一定的参考价值。全文共分五个部分。第一部分:问题提出。长期以来,由于音乐课堂教学的封闭、落后,导致无法跟上时代和社会的发展步伐,阻碍了音乐教育的发展,如何解决这些问题。本文认为对音乐课堂教学进行改革,建立开放式的音乐课堂教学是一条有效途径。第二部分:背景 要对开放式音乐课堂教学进行深入地研究,只有将其放置于宏观的社会背景、当代教育的理论背景和我国基础音乐教育与教学背景之中考虑,才能更清楚地认识到该问题的研究对于整个国内教育改革的重要意义。第三部分:开放式音乐课堂教学的理论研究这是整个论文的主体部分,首先对该问题的理论研究基础进行了详细地分析、归纳。然后对问题的主体理论进行研究、总结,即对小学音乐课堂教学中的诸多要素为何“开放”、怎样“开放”进行逐一地分析,并进行开放式音乐课堂教学实例的个案分析。第四部分:开放式音乐课堂教学实施中需要注意的问题对开放式音乐课堂教学中可能或已经出现的问题进行探讨,并提出拟解决的办法。第五部分:结语 对开放式音乐课堂教学的总结与展望。  

英文摘要 In the process of diathesis education, basic educational course is a core question. The way to implement the courses is class teaching; therefore, the school music teaching is through the class teaching. Thereby, music class teaching is the most important and direct way of music class reform and even music teaching reform. Based on the analysis and summing-up of traditional music class teaching, this dissertation makes theoretical analysis of music open class teaching and discusses its characteristic and specific content with the aim to bring some theoretical value to implement of “Criterion for Music Teaching Course”. This dissertation can be divided into five parts. The first part: Question Raising For a long period, the music education has been blocked by the obturation and draggle of class teaching. How to settle this question? This thesis believes that the reform and construction of music open class teaching is a useful method. The second part: Background In order to make deep analysis of music open class teaching, we have to put it in the social background, the contemporary educational theoretical background and our country’s basic music education and teaching background. Only by this way can we clearly realize the importance of the research in this question. The third part: Theoretical Analysis of Music Open Class Teaching This is the body part of the whole thesis. At the beginning, the theoretical bases for the research will be analyzed and induced. Then the main theory will also be analyzed and concluded, which means that many factors in the music teaching in the primary school will be analyzed such as “open” and “how to open”; furthermore, the case study of the music open class teaching will be provided. The fourth part: Questions in the Implement of Music Open Class Teaching This part discusses the problems that will arise or have arisen in the implement of the music open class teaching and proposes the resolvent. The fifth part: Conclusion This part is the conclusion and expectation of music open class teaching.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2004.0214  
文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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