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中小学开展民族音乐教学的现实意义和有效途径探究 中英文摘要            【字体:
中小学开展民族音乐教学的现实意义和有效途径探究 中英文摘要
作者:蒋薇    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-27

学位授予单位 上海师范大学  

中文关键词 民族音乐教学;弘扬民族音乐;现实意义;有效途径  

导师 张荫尧  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 课程与教学论  

中文摘要 本篇论文运用音乐课程教学论的基本原理和相关知识,结合作者的学习、工作实践,在尽可能发掘和研讨了当前所能见到的学术资料后,针对时下音乐教育的一个较为薄弱的环节,从思想认识和实际行动两方面进行答疑解惑。文章从中小学开展民族音乐教学的现状、意义、方法、案例等4个层面深入铺陈,多角度阐明作者对“弘扬民族音乐”这一基本教学理念的体认与践行。全文分为四章: 第一章通过对中小学民族音乐教学现状的调查与分析,展示目前中小学民族音乐教学的普遍状况,并从概念、本质和定义上阐明与民族音乐相关的基本理论。 第二章细密论述在“全球化”大潮冲击下,开展民族音乐教学的重要现实意义就在于:有利于抵制“盲目乐观”、“普世文化观”等错误思潮,有利于提高素质教育,有利于传承民族音乐。第三章从教学理念、合格师资、课程资源、优化教材、课堂教学和课外教育等六个方面阐述了在中小学开展民族音乐教学的有效途径。 第四章着重叙述了作者在中小学从事民族音乐教学的两个实践案例,评析了其中的经验和教训。在结束语中,把文章主旨提升到哲学和社会学高度加以淬砺和总结。  

英文摘要 This thesis uses the basic theories and related knowledge of music curriculum education. The author tries her best to dig and analyze the academic information all she can find, then writes the paper connected with the practice from her study and working. The article aims for the poor link of music education at present, and tries to solve the problems from concepts and practice. The thesis narrates the actuality, meaning, methods and the educational cases of how to develop the national music teaching in compulsory education, at the same time, analyses the basic teaching theory: "bring along the national music" at multiple angles. This thesis can divided into four chapters : The first chapter, through the investigations and the analyses by the actuality from the national music teaching in compulsory education, to demonstrate the normal circumstance, and explain the elementary theories of notion, essence and definition in national music. The second chapter, elaborates when face the "globalization", the important realistic meaning of develop the national music teaching are: resist "blind optimism", "universal civilization" etc mistake trends. And if we develop the national music teaching, it will be in favor of improve quality education, and promote the national music. The third chapter, from six aspects, such as: teaching theory, qualified music teacher, curriculum resource, good teaching materials, school teaching and extracurricular teaching, to discuss the useful ways of develop the national music teaching in compulsory education. The forth chapter, emphasis on state two teaching case by author, who teaches national music at school, evaluate the experiences and the shortcomings. At the tag, the article promotes the topic to philosophy and sociology.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10270.2.2006.1735  
文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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