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音乐教育对学前儿童发展的价值 中英文摘要            【字体:
音乐教育对学前儿童发展的价值 中英文摘要
作者:郑玉香    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-27



学位授予单位 河北大学  

中文关键词 音乐教育; 学前儿童; 价值; 涵义  

导师 贺志朴  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 艺术学  

中文摘要 20 世纪80 年代末以来,我国学前儿童音乐教育方面的专家、学者,大力开展了探讨如何发挥音乐教育的整体功能,以促进儿童的身体、智力、情感、个性、社会性的全面和谐发展,取得了一定的成果,但与发达国家的儿童音乐教育相比,我们的研究与普及工作还有很大的差距。本文对学前儿童音乐教育的涵义以及如何对学前儿童身心、音乐能力的促进进行了探讨。对于学前儿童音乐教育而言,音乐教育应以教育价值取向为主,以音乐价值取向为辅,两者互为补充。在正确的学前儿童音乐教育观念指导下,在科学的学前儿童音乐教育活动中,不仅儿童的音乐基本素质得到发展,而且儿童的身体、智力、情感、个性、社会性也会得到全面和谐发展。因此,把握学前儿童音乐教育,既要遵循音乐学习规律及儿童音乐,心理发展特点进行音乐基本知识、技能的教育和熏陶,更要以全面发展教育为中心,通过音乐的手段、音乐教育的途径以促进儿童在身体、智力、情感、个性、社会性等方面的整体、和谐发展。  

英文摘要 By the end of 1980s, experts and professionals of preschool music education in China have made great efforts to discuss how to realize the whole function of music education in order to improve the physical, intelligent, emotional, personality and social developments of preschool children. We have some achievements, but in comparison with the preschool music education in developed countries, we still have a long way to go. This thesis discuss the meaning of preschool music education, and the roles it plays to the physical and psychological development and the music capacity of preschool children. Preschool music education should be oriented towards educational values, supplemented with music values.With the correct ideas and scienfitic music activities of preschool music education, the basic music abilities of preschool children can be developed as well as other aspects, such as physical, intelligent, emotional, personality and social, thus to facilitate the full-development of preschool children. Therefore, preschool music education needs to be taken seriously. According to the laws of music learning and the laws of children music, and the level of psychological development of children, we instruct the preschool children basic music knowledge and skills, and through the music approach to facilitate the whole and coordinated development of preschool children.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10075.2.2004.0958    
文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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