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侗族合唱音乐及其文化构成透视 中英文摘要            【字体:
侗族合唱音乐及其文化构成透视 中英文摘要
作者:刘少银    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



湖南师范大学 硕士论文 导师:周跃峰

中文摘要 本课题是在对侗族合唱音乐有关资料的收集、整理以及过去长期深入侗寨考察的基础上,以音乐美学、音乐审美心理学、少数民族音乐史、教学认识论、和声学等为理论依据,分析研究侗族合唱音乐的形成与发展,阐述侗族合唱音乐与侗族历史文化的关系,探讨侗族合唱音乐在创作手法与表现手法上的个性特点,论述侗族合唱音乐对当代音乐教育中教师的角色变化与教学内容的设置等产生的影响。使侗族合唱音乐以一个系统的理论体系,展现在人们的面前,使其更加理论化、科学化。全文分为四个部分: 第一部分:绪言。简单介绍了侗族的地理与历史,侗族的人文与民族习俗,对侗族人民的劳动生活习惯以及丰富的民族文化与多彩的民族艺术进行了阐述,说明侗族合唱音乐产生并根植于这一肥沃的土壤是一种必然。第二部分:侗族合唱音乐简述。首先论述了侗族合唱音乐具有可考的悠久历史。从三则相关史料的记载可以判断,侗族合唱音乐是我国土生土长的“支声复调”式音乐作品,它的存在可以追溯到宋代以前。然后论述了侗族合唱音乐的分类及其特点,根据演唱形式和演唱人员性别及其年龄的不同,分成了五类,并分别予以了论述,再次是对侗族合唱音乐的曲式结构以及旋宫特点分别予以了探究。第三部分:侗族合唱音乐文化构成透视。从侗族合唱音乐的文化源头来剖析侗族合唱音乐形成的可能性与必然性,及其个性形成的基本规律和各种侗族风情对侗族合唱音乐形成的密不可分性。第四部分:侗族合唱音乐的传承与启示。一个民族对其优秀文化的传承必然有其独特的传承方式,侗族合唱音乐传承的主要基石是歌队。歌队是一个自在的、有组织的、有规律的传承体系。这种体系就是侗族合唱音乐得以流传至今长盛不衰的有力保证。启示是多方面的,侗族合唱音乐给我带来的启示主要有两个方面,一是“和谐”;二是“创造”。只有构建一个和谐的社会,这个社会才会有不竭的创造力。  

英文摘要 The article is based on cllecting the related matericals of Tong Nationality's Chorus music, arranging, making on-the-long time investigaticn by going deep into the Tong mountain fastness, and takes musical aesthetics, musical aesthetical-psychology, minority's musical history, theory of knowledge for teaching as its theories. The article analyzes the chorus musical beginning and development;expounds the ralations between the chorus music and Tong Nationality's history culture;inquires into charateristic of the Tong chorus music's creative means and expressional skills;discusses the effect of the Tong Nationality's chorus music on the teacher's role in music teaching and the arrangement of the teaching Content. That all would make the Tong Nationality's chorus music be more theoretical and Seientifical, more perfect and integrated when we appreciate it The article is divided into four.Part One: Introduction. The article simply introduces Tong Nationality's geograph and history, humanities and national customs. Then it further expounds The other aspects of Tong Nationality, Such as Tong People's labour life, the rich culture and the colorful art, illustrates the necessarity that the chorus music originate and plant its roots in the rich soil of the Tong Nationality.Part Tw Simply expounds the Tong Nationality's chorus music. Firstly, the article expounds that chorus music's long history is evidential. According to three historical matericals recorded, we can judge chorus music is a "zhisheng(支声)" duplic tune musical works, which is native-born, and its existence can be traced back Song Danasty. It analyzes the chorus music's classification and its traits;classifies Tong Nationality's chorus music into five sort and analyies them separetely, then explores musical form and the traits of "xuan Gong (旋宫)" separetely according to the Performance's form, the performer's sex and age.Part Three: Tong Nationality's Chorus musical cultures constitute the perspective. Analyzing the process of forming the chorus music and exploring its origin, we'll find the chorus music has its possibility and necessarity, and know the Tong Customes and culture that deeply afifect the chorus music's forming.Part Four: The article analyzes the inherity and enlightment of the Tong Nationality's chorus music. Any nationality has special inheriting, ways of its rich culture. Sing team is a main cornerstone of inheriting the Tong chorus music The Sing team is a free, rugular and systematic system. This system is the gurantee which makes it possible for the chorus music to be handed down and be wore prosperous today. Enlightment is also comprehensive but has major two aspects, One is "harmony" , the other is "creativity" . Only when a society is in harmony can it have inexhaustible creativity.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2005.6107    
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