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钢琴学习中的听觉训练 中英文摘要            【字体:
钢琴学习中的听觉训练 中英文摘要
作者:于海明    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26
  山东师范大学 硕士论文 导师:留钕铜



中文摘要 音乐是听觉的艺术,良好的听觉对学习音乐起到至关重要的作用。钢琴艺术,因钢琴本身结构、发音的特点,钢琴作品的复杂多样,向听觉提出了更高的要求。可以说,没有良好的听觉是难以成为优秀的钢琴演奏家的。听觉能力的高低,虽说有先天条件的差异,但实验证明,这“条件”是相对的,不是静止不变的,经过科学的训练、培养和刻苦学习,听觉能力会逐步提高,越来越灵敏。所以,在钢琴的学习演奏中,对听觉能力的训练培养是非常有意义、非常重要的。听觉是一种心理现象,心理学关于对人的心理现象的解释和心理规律的论述,为教育、教学提供了理论基础。要达到听觉训练的目的,首先要了解音乐听觉形成、发展的心理规律。本文从心理学的角度入手,依据音乐听觉形成、发展的规律和特点,结合个人钢琴教学、演奏的实践,举出典型的谱例,力争探究总结出一套比较系统可行的听觉训练方法。 文章分三个部分。第一部分首先论述了钢琴学习、演奏中听觉的重要性,目的在于唤起人们对听觉训练的重视。第二部分是从心理学的角度对音乐听觉的形成、发展的过程(感知——记忆/思维——想象——内心听觉)予以简要地阐述,并在此前先论述了“注意力”这个重要的前提。这部分的目的是让大家大概了解音乐听觉形成的规律、特点,从而加深对后一部分(训练方法)的理解,并能“主动”、“自觉”灵活的进行音乐听觉的训练。最后一部分依据前面的理论,结合自己教学演奏的实践,并借鉴  

英文摘要 Music is an art of hearing. Sound hearing obviously plays an important role in music study. Due to the peculiarity of the structure and vocal mechanism of the piano as well as the complication of piano sonata, the art of piano imposes more pressure on hearing. To some extent, one can hardly become an excellent pianist without sound hearing. One’s hearing is, undeniably, innate. Meanwhile, experiments give us the proof that this innate element is relative and not static. One’s hearing can be polished by scientific training and study. Therefore, it is meaningful and essential to train the hearing in learning the piano. Hearing is a psychological phenomenon. In describing human being’s psychological phenomena and laws, psychology provides a theoretical foundation for education and teaching. To achieve the goal, we must grasp the psychological laws in forming and developing one’s hearing of music. This article aims at summing up a set of systematic and pragmatic methods in training the hearing by following the author’s personal experience in piano teaching and performance, Analyzing typical piano sonatas from psychological perspective. This article consists of three chapters. In the first chapter, the author addresses the importance of hearing in piano study and  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10445.2.2005..KDH  
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