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英国和澳大利亚中小学科学教育比较研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
英国和澳大利亚中小学科学教育比较研究 中英文摘要
作者:未知    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-25




中文摘要 本文简要介绍英国和澳大利亚中小学科学教育的概况,目的是为我国基础科学教育改革提供参考和借鉴。 本文主要采用文献法。开头介绍英国和澳大利亚中小学科学教育的历史沿革;接着分析了20世纪80年代末期以来英国和澳大利亚中小学科学教育中存在的问题和两国采取的改革措施及改革的特点,最后结合我国中小学科学教育的现状,谈几点启示和借鉴。 通过介绍英国和澳大利亚的中小学科学教育,我们可以从中借鉴其好的经验和做法,从教学目标、课程设置、教学方法还有师资培训等方面入手,进一步推进我国基础科学教育改革。  

英文摘要 This thesis tries to present an outline of junior and secondary science education in the United Kingdom and Australia, for the purpose to provide references for the reforms of elementary science education undergoing in China. This research adopts documentary method. It begins with a review of the history of junior and secondary science education in the above mentioned two nations,followed by an analysis of their problems and major reforms taken since the end of the 1980s and features of these reforms.Lastly,some recommendations are talked in view of elementary science education in China. By introducing junior and secondary science education in the United Kingdom and Australia,we may learn from them valuable experiences and methods so to further the reforms of China's elementary science education in aspects such as educational aims,curriculum development,teaching methods and teachers'training.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2002.3547  

文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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