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普通高校音乐教育对大学生非智力因素的影响 中英文摘要            【字体:
普通高校音乐教育对大学生非智力因素的影响 中英文摘要
作者:张敏    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21




学位授予单位 首都师范大学  

中文关键词 音乐教育;非智力因素;素质教育;健全人才;大学生;影响;审美;情感  

导师 冯兰芳  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学 


中文摘要 目前,随着人们对人格健全重要性的认识,及社会对相关人才的强烈需求,专家学者开始重视非智力因素的实践和研究。音乐教育在培养人的非智力因素方面起着重要作用,非智力因素对人的发展所具有的重要意义已被越来越多的学者所认可。通过艺术教育可以使人提高审美能力、感受和体验审美快乐、陶冶和提升人生境界、从而完善人性和文化心理结构,使人自由和谐全面发展。音乐教育的审美效应落实在身体和心理能力与境界方面,与非审美效应落实在知识经验、理念价值和实践操作方面共同构成了个体素质的全面发展。实践中人们逐渐意识到,音乐艺术教育以其无形感染力可以优化大学生的非智力因素,引导大学生克服社会生活中的种种不利影响,全面整合自身素质,提高自身综合能力。本论文通过剖析当代大学生的心理、情感和思想现状,同时结合普通高校音乐教育的学科优势,从普通高校音乐教育对大学生在创新、协调能力和动机、兴趣、意志、气质、性格等非智力因素方面产生的影响展开论述,来论证音乐教育作为素质教育的重要组成部分,是健全大学生的人格特征,促进大学生素质的全面和谐发展,增强大学生社会竞争能力的有效途径。以实现音乐教育的最终目的,即通过音乐艺术教育培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的,具有开拓精神和创造力的,能适应和推动不断向前发展的人类社会的高尚完美的人。  


英文摘要 At present, experts have focused on the non-intellective factors of the demands of relevant spirits. Art education plays the most important role in the cultivation of the non-intellective factors, and the significant for the learners'development has been adopted by more and more experts. Art education can enhance people's aesthetics experience the pleasure of aesthetics upgrade people's rank, thereby consummating humanism and culture psychology, and making people grown freely and comprehensive. With the acknowledge of importance of personality and the society needs for sanity people, cultivating and improving the no intellective factors of the undergraduates, and are given more attention by the all society. The individual development is composed of aesthetics effect which embodies in the physical ability and physicological ability non-aesthetical effect, which embodies in knowledge experience, concept value and practice. Art education can be realized that it can promote the colleges non-intellective factors direct them to overcome bad effects and integrate individual ability. This thesis take part the psychology, sensibility and mind of the undergraduates, demonstrate that as a important part of general education, music education is a effective way to improve the undergraduates' competition ability, accelerate their all-around development and make their personality sanity by discussing the college music education's impact on undergraduates unintellective factors including creation, hanmonization, motivation, interest, volition, mettle and character, also combining with the subject advantage of the college music education.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.8422  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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