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音乐教育心理学在和声教学中的运用 中英文摘要            【字体:
音乐教育心理学在和声教学中的运用 中英文摘要
作者:冯洋    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21




学位授予单位 东北师范大学  

中文关键词 和声;教学;心理;音乐教育心理学  

导师 王日昌  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学



目前,我国对音乐教育心理学的理解大体有以下几种:一种从教育心理学范围认为,音乐教育心理学是研究音乐教育过程中的心理现象及其规律。另一种从音乐教育学角度考虑,认为音乐教育心理学是研究学校情境中,学与教的基本心理规律的科学。第三种观点认为,音乐教育心理学的研究对象是音乐教育行为中的心理现象及其发展规律。它既包括音乐教育活动中教师与学生的心理结构的研究,也内含教与学行为中相互作用的心理规律。这篇论文《音乐教育心理学在和声教学中的运用》,就是运用音乐教育心理学的第三种观点,阐述改变以往和声教学中,教师单纯讲,学生被动听的局面。研究和声教学中教师的心理,不断提高自己的业务能力和思想水平;另一方面探明学生心理,研究学生掌握和声知识技能,进行和声学习以及影响学生学习的因素和条件。以此来正确组织和声教学。在学习的过程中,培养学生掌握学习和声知识的技能和方法,提高思维能力、想象能力以及实际操作能力。把和声教学融知识、科学、趣味于一体。本文共分五个部分: 第一部分 和声学的发展及现状。 第二部分 研究和声理论教学依据。 第三部分 和声教师与学生心理。 第四部分 和声教学中的心理因素。 第五部分几点体会  


英文摘要 Today,there are a few comprehensions of psychology of musical education in China. First , it considered from psychology of musical education. It studies psychological phenomenon and regulation of psychology of music education. Second,It considered from musical education,it thinks to study the basic regulation of psychology on studying and teaching in school. Third,the opinion is to study the psychological phenomenon and developed regulation of behavior of musical education. It contains not only the psychological structure of teachers and students in action of musical education but also the psychological regulation between teaching and studying. The title is The Application of Psychology of Musical Education In Teaching of Harmony. It just operates the third opinion,well set forth to change the teaching of harmony, the teachers are always talking by themselves but students obliged to hear and receive. Itll study psychology of teacher in teaching harmony and improve teachers abilities and thoughts. Another way is to research psychology of students. Well study abilities of students to master harmony knowledge. To learn the situation that affects students. From these,we will look for a right way to arrange teaching. During the study,well make students master right way and technology to learn harmony. Improving ability、imagination and operation of students. To master harmony and make it contains knowledge,science and interest. There are five parts in it. First part is development and nowadays of harmony. Second part studies the theory base on the teaching of harmony. Third is psychology of harmony teachers and students. Forth is psychology factor in teaching of harmony. The last is a few comprehensions. Key word: Harmony; Teaching; Psychology ; Psychology of Musical Education  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2005.3061 


文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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