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论高师钢琴的体验教学            【字体:
作者:陈丹曦    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 福建师范大学  
中文关键词 体验,高师钢琴教学  
导师 王耀华  
论文级别 硕士   
中文摘要 一直以来,我国高师钢琴教学固守传统专业钢琴教学思想与模式,尽管教学研究领域努力尝试总结钢琴教学自身的特点,甚至在20世纪80年代钢琴教学出现改革的探索和实践,但总体上依然故我。新一轮基础教育课程改革,对高等师范院校教学模式提出了严峻的挑战。作为培养中小学音乐师资的高师音乐体系中一门重要基础课程,高师钢琴教学面临变革与重构。 笔者认为,高师钢琴教学应从加强教学的体验入手,致力于钢琴教学的有效性。 高师钢琴教学依据教育学与音乐学相关学科理论,笔者分别对教育学和音乐学范畴的“体验”理论进行了梳理;基础教育课程改革强调知识与过程并重、态度、情感与价值观并重;新课程对课程过程价值的重视和对学习过程中情感体验的关注,表明“体验”已成为教育的核心理念。音乐作为情感艺术,具有非语义性和不确定性,因而“体验”成为其特殊的理解方式和学习方式。因此,高师钢琴教学理念和教学实施变革的核心在于“体验”。 本文主要运用历史研究法、文献分析法、比较研究法、调查研究法、观察研究法和归纳研究等方法,并结合自身的教学实践和体会,对高师钢琴体验教学进行探讨,并试图从新的视野来实现对高师钢琴教学的重构。  

英文摘要 The piano teaching in Chinese normal universities has been following the convertional teaching pattern for those piao major students, even still so after the innovational exploration and practice starting from the 1980' s. The latest round of fundamental courses innovation has waged a great challenge to the conventional teaching mode in normal universities. Teaching piano in normal university enjoys dual attributes of pedagogy and musicology. The author analyses the theory of Experiencing in both pedagogy and musicology and holds that experiencing has become the core value of education. Music, as an art of feeling, is not like language and is not confined to fixed form, so experiencing has become a special way of comprehension and learning , and should be the core pattern of piano teaching in normal university. This article probes into the experiencing in normal universities piano teaching by using the method of historical research, document analysis, analytical research, investigation, observation and induction together with the author' s personal teaching practice , and tries to reconstruct the piano teaching in normal universities from a new perspective.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2004.5249 

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