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三所军事院校音乐教育现状的调查与分析思考            【字体:
作者:付祺琦    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 军校音乐教育;军营文化;调查分析;探索  
导师 冯兰芳  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学

中文摘要 军校是我军培养综合性高素质官兵的重要阵地。军校音乐教育在学员文化素质教育中占有重要地位和作用,对提高学员的政治素质、思想素质、文化素质,起着潜移默化的启迪、诱导和激励作用,使军校学员能够获得多方面的教益。 为了使军校音乐教育走上良好的、规范化的发展轨道,充分发挥军校音乐教育的功能和作用,使其成为加强军营文化建设的不竭动力,本文拟通过问卷调查和个人访谈的形式,对军校部分学员和教员、教导员及文化干事进行调查、统计与分析,以实证的手段剖析当前军校音乐教育的现状,探索出一套适合军校音乐教育课程体系的结构与教学模式。 本文以军校音乐教育为研究对象,通过对军校音乐教育现状进行调查与分析,对军校音乐教育的发展进行思考与探索,为军校音乐教育起到了理论参考和实践指导的作用,具有填补空白的价值。  

英文摘要 The military academy holds a critical position in raising the comprehensive and high-quality officers and soldiers. The music education in the military academy plays an important role in the students' cultural education, which not only enlighten and stimulate the students on improving their political, idealistic, and cultural qualities, but also enables them to obtain various benefits. In order to channel the music education of the military academy into normative development, fully exert its function and cause it to become the impetus to strengthen the military cultural construction, this thesis analyses the current situation of the music education in military academy, and explores a system of teaching structure and patterns that are suitable for the music education in military academy by investigating some students, teachers, and the political instructors through questionnaire and personal interviews. This thesis takes the military academy music education as the object, and explore its potential development through carrying out the investigation and analysis on the present situation of its music education; it will function as theoretical reference and practical guidance, and fill certain blanks in this fields.  
DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040449

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