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试论我国民族民间音乐文化的传承在普通高校音乐教育中的体现            【字体:
作者:舒畅    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  

中文关键词 民族民间音乐;普通高校;音乐教育;传承  

导师 尹铁良  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学


中文摘要 我国的民族民间音乐是我国民族文化的重要组成部分,是中华民族劳动人民几千年智慧的结晶。为了更好的实施全国教育科学十五规划课题《民族文化传承与学校艺术教育研究》,本文作者提出应该在普通高校重视民族民间音乐教育,促进民族民间音乐文化的传承。本文的主体部分先对我国的民族民间音乐进行了概述,指出其文化传承价值。接着通过音乐教育与音乐文化的相关性,从理论上阐述了我国普通高校音乐教育与民族民间音乐文化传承之间的关系。最后通过笔者对一些部属、省属、地方高校公共音乐选修课程设置情况以及部分非音乐专业大学生对民族民间音乐文化的认知情况进行了的实际调查,对调查的结果进行了分析,发现了目前我国普通高校民族民间音乐教育中存在的一些问题,如师资不足、非音乐专业大学生民族民间音乐文化知识薄弱等问题,这些对于在普通高校推广民族民间音乐文化,培养非音乐专业大学生对民族民间音乐文化的传承意识显然是不利的。为此笔者利用自己的一些教学实践以及已掌握的一些理论知识,提出在普通高校中推广民族民间音乐文化的一些构想,即通过合理安排课程设置;完善师资队伍;采用灵活的授课方式;运用多种教学方法相结合;利用大学校园环境,营造良好的民族民间音乐文化氛围;利用当地的民族民间音乐文化资源,开展民族民间音乐教学等方法,在非音乐专业大学生中间推广我国民族民间音乐文化知识,逐步培养其传承意识,使其在接受民族民间音乐教育后,运用自我传播方式、人际传播方式以及自身的专业优势在社会各领域中进行民族民间音乐文化的传承与传播,从而使我国民族民间音乐文化发扬光大。


英文摘要 Chinese national fork music is an important part of Chinese natinal culture and a crystal of wisdom of Chinese hard-working people through centuries. The inheritance of it is an significant element which relates to national consciousness and prosperity. In order to carry out the "fifteen" program of educational science in the whole country , that is the inheritance of national culture and the studies of artistic education in schools,. The aim of this article is to point out that it's necessary to educate the university students who aren't major in English, so that the inheritance of the folk music culture could be developed. In this article, we summarize the situation of folk music in our country. And secondly we point out its value of the cultural inheritance, we elaborated the relations between the music education and the inheritance of the folk music culture in theory according the relations of them in universities. Finally we look into some universities which are dominated to the education department of nation, provinces and other subordinate offices. Analyzing the investigation, we want to point out the phenomenon that in present the music education is mostly focal on the "west style music" but not" Chinese music" in ordinary universities in China. In our opinion, we should change the patten thought of education and the curricula. The abilities of the teachers need to be improved. We also need to organize some activities of the folk music after school and we can use the modern technique. Besides that, we can also advance the education of folk music in universities according good atmosphere of folk culture. So we can develop the inheritance consciousness of the students in the universities.  

DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040466

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