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新时期高师声乐教学的研究与探讨            【字体:
作者:孙建华    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 新时期;宏观理念;高师声乐教学;基础音乐师资;教学模式;革新  
导师 宋连生  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 本文以高师音乐教育的发展为线索,从宏观的教育思想出发,在对整体高师音乐教育进行研究分析之后,着重强调了在大的全球化背景下,我国高师声乐教学应饶有目的的具体实施。文中既有大体的宏观概述,又不乏细致的课案操作,条理性的由简到繁、由表及里的展开论述,其中把论述的重点集中在第二,三部分。 第一部分在回顾了高师音乐教育发展过程的同时,也从中捕捉到声乐教学的历史痕迹,以相关史实明确了高师音乐教育的定位背景——基础音乐师资的培养,接着又将时间拉近了说明音乐教育在新时期的机遇和使命;在论述基础音乐师资人才需求时,主要以“市场”需求为标准,罗列了基础音乐师资为此所必备的专业素质和文化涵养。第二部分开始对声乐教学模式进行革新式的论述,先道出传统声乐教学模式在新的历史时期的桎梏,而后对应性提出大、小、集体课结合的新方案;在观念上创新的提出声乐课堂师生的角色转换,声乐课堂上学生也是教师、教师也是学生,使整个教学过程达到默契与互补;在教学手段上适时性引入现代媒体于声乐教学之中,以数字化流程编排课件,充分显示出现代媒体运用于高师声乐教学的优势。第三部分涉及到高师声乐教学内容的扩展,该部分呼应了第一部分关于基础音乐师资素质的要求。文中谈到声乐教师应如何向学生传授专业理论知识、相关文化知识,并将灌输给学生的知识从点到面,详尽的以课堂案例形式进行细致展述。第四部分对新型声乐教学的评价指标,是高师声乐教学不可分割的一部分。有教必有学、有学必有考,因此,这部分主要是点对点式的提出,新的声乐考试评价标准要结合相应新的声乐教学展开。  

英文摘要 This article started from macro education concept and was lined up by development of musical education in normal university. After analysis of current situation of musical education in normal university, how to carry out vocal education practices in our country under globalization background was highlighted in a detailed way. Key points of this article were mainly discussed in part two and three.Part one recalled development of musical education in normal university and traced the history of vocal education as well and drew the conclusion that musical education in normal university should be orientated towards cultivation of teacher resources, which was testified by historical facts. This was followed by opportunities and responsibilities of musical education in new era. Standards for evaluating teachers should be in accordance with market demands and fundamental expertise and knowledge were listed. In part two, different teaching patterns were reviewed. Combination of classes in varies sizes was proposed to resolve problems accompanying traditional teaching patterns at new ages. Students and teachers could exchange their roles in class, which means teachers could be students and vice versa. This new concept was proposed to enhance mutual understanding between teachers and students and complement each other. Modem media could be integrated into vocal education and digitalized courseware could feature advantages of modem media. Part three talked about extension of vocal education in normal university, which echoed the first part with regards to quality of teachers. This part also discussed how to impart expertise and knowledge to students. Knowledge was presented in a point-to-surface structure and in a class case manner in this article. Part four discussed novel evaluation standards of vocal education, which was an essential part of vocal education in normal university.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10028.2.2005.3616 

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