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中俄高等院校手风琴专业教学现状之比较与研究            【字体:
作者:郑隽逸    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-18


学位授予单位 南京师范大学


中文关键词 手风琴;高等教育;制作工艺;比较  


导师 管科亚  


论文级别 硕士  


学科专业名称 音乐学 


中文摘要 本文将中国和俄罗斯的手风琴高等专业教学现状作为研究内容,分别从手风琴教育史、手风琴教学论、手风琴制作工艺三个方面对中俄两国手风琴高等专业教育进行比较,一方面了解俄罗斯手风琴高等专业教育发展情况、存在的优势以及新形势下面临的问题,同时总结中国手风琴高等专业教育现状、所取得的成绩以及存在的不足,通过借鉴俄罗斯手风琴教育发展中的经验,指出乐器革新和本民族风格手风琴音乐作品创作对今后中国手风琴艺术发展所起的重要作用。全文共分为三章: 第一章从中俄教育体系及音乐教育的历史背景以及两国高等音乐教育手风琴专业的创建及其教学活动两个方面进行比较,提出手风琴室内乐的教学将成为中国手风琴发展的必然趋势。第二章从手风琴教学理论研究及教材编写、民族化手风琴作品的创作以及音乐院校开展的国内外手风琴艺术交流活动三个方面深入展开,提出将民族元素运用进中国手风琴作品的必要性。第三章从两国使用乐器上的差异指出自由低音手风琴是中国手风琴与国际接轨的重要标志。  


英文摘要 This thesis study today's higher education of accordion in China and Russia. It consists of three chapters including the comparison in educational history of accordion, educational theory of accordion and making technology of accordion. On the one hand, it can make us know about the actuality higher education of accordion in Russia, the advantages and the problems with it in today's new situation. On the other hand, it can generalize the higher education of accordion in China, its achievements and the troubles with it. Through the warning of the development of the higher education of accordion in Russia, we know that it can make an important motive to the development of accordion through the innovation of accordion and the creation of national accordion compositions. The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 compares in China and Russia from two aspects which are the two countries'education system and music education historical background as well as the accordion specialized foundation in higher music education and its teaching activities. From this we can say the accordion chamber music teaching will become the inevitable trend which the Chinese accordion will develop for. Chapter 2 elaborates from three aspects which are the accordion teaching fundamental research and the teaching material compilation, national accordion compositions as well as conservatories ' international artistic exchanges. So it is essential to put the national elements into Chinese accordion compositions. Chapter 3 compares with the different instruments used in both countries, it is clear that the free bass accordion is the important symbol which the Chinese accordion connect with the international rails.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10319.2.2006.4039


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