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台湾基础音乐教育中柯达伊教学法的引入            【字体:
作者:巴松的使…    文章来源:世界音乐教育大会论文摘要-洪啸音乐工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2013-1-8


Introduction of the Kodály Method to Elementary Music Education in Taiwan

*Ying-Shu Liu, Arizona State University

Inter-cultural acceptance is the norm in Taiwan today. However, due to the political environment this was not the case before the 1980s. The situation changed with the coming of a democratic movement in 1987, when music education was liberated and opened to new ideas. A Hungarian music education method stimulated Taiwanese music educators to elevate the standard in elementary music education. The Kodály method arrived in Taiwan during that period. The purpose of this study was to examine the introduction of the Kodály method in Taiwan. The primary sources of information were first-hand interviews and correspondence with individual music educators, as well as original historical documents from music institutions and the government that directly influenced the development of the Kodály method in Taiwan. The interviews focused on music teachers who had received training in the Kodály method and individuals who were responsible for passing on the method in Taiwanese teacher training colleges, public schools, and private venues. The secondary sources of information for this study include journals, theses and dissertations, and unpublished materials such as bulletins and conference and workshop programs. Findings show that the Kodály movement in Taiwan experienced a seeding stage, a growth stage, and an expansion stage. During the seeding stage, some individual teachers invited foreign Kodály specialists to Taiwan to help their respective small circles of acquaintances. This pioneering struggle was aided by the return of many overseas Kodály program-trained Taiwanese music educators. These individuals formed a significant force that promoted the method nationwide and led the Kodály method from infancy into a growth stage. However, it was not until the formation of the Taiwan Kodály Society that the Taiwanese Kodály music educators joined forces to systematically expand the Kodály movement nationally and propel it into the expansion stage. The Kodály method was introduced into Taiwan during a period of significant political change similar to when Kodály propagated his music education approaches in Hungary. Kodály was successful in spreading his ideas and ideals through a team of his supporters and eventually the Hungarian government. Very little influence was felt when individuals introduced the method in Taiwan. Rather, it was only through a group effort that elementary music education was finally affected significantly.





文章录入:巴松的使者    责任编辑:巴松的使者 
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