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非洲手鼓的基本知识            【字体:
作者:helen    文章来源:非洲手鼓网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-12-7

一本英文教材中摘录,《African Percussion - The Djembe》,作者Serge Blanc。

符号意义:djembe:B:低音 T:中音 S:高音 _:空拍
dundun:K:牛铃的音 D:鼓棒打在鼓面上自然弹起的音
另外:诸如下面Jansa中1st dundun的最前面那个音,记为“D_ |”,表示它在第一小节开始前就要打,也就是从负拍进去(这里是前一节的第三拍)。
1st djembe一般负责打call,然后继续第一个节奏型,

2nd djembe一般打第二个节奏型,

1st dundun一般是指在只有一个dunun鼓时,打sangban或者kenkeni,

2st dundun则在其基础上加入另一只dunun鼓,kenkeni或sangban,如果还有第五个乐器,则负责打dununba的部分。
From the Kasonke ethnic group, originating in the Kayes and Kita region of Mali.
The jansa is undoubtedly the most popular entertainment dance in Khasso. It takes place in the evening or at night, in the public square. It is for all people and all occasions: the full moon, the end of winter and good harvests. it starts slowly, picking up speed when a talented dancer goes into the middld of the circle. Great dancers sometimes manipulate a rifle or pestle while dancing.
The following version is the most popular in the cities.

Jansa 4/4
start sign: S_TT | _T_T | T_T_ | T_ _ _
1st djembe: S_ _S | S_TT | S_ _S | S_TT
2nd djembe: TTSS | _BSS | TTSS | _BSS
1st dundun: D_ | D_ _ D' | _ _D_ | D_ _ D' | _ _D_
2nd dundun; K_ KK | _KK_ | K_K_ | KK_K | _K_K | K_K_ | K_K_ | K_K_
D'_ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | D'_ _ _ | DD_D | _D_ _ | _ _ _ _ | D_D_ | _ _ _ _


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