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二十世纪上半叶中国唱片初探 中英文摘要            【字体:
二十世纪上半叶中国唱片初探 中英文摘要
作者:徐羽中    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



福建师范大学 硕士论文 导师:郑锦扬

中文摘要 十九世纪末,留声机与唱片传入中国,并在二十世纪上半叶形成了唱片产业。唱片产业的形成与发展为中国近现代音乐的发展注入了新机,同时成为中国近现代音乐史不可或缺的组成部分。本文在已有的研究成果基础上,对相关资料做了进一步的收集与整理, 并结合传播学、社会学、经济学等其他人文学科,运用音乐史学的研究方法, 追溯二十世纪上半叶中国唱片的历史,进一步挖掘中国近现代音乐史的内容, 寻探唱片业如何反映音乐文化发展、如何影响音乐文化发展的规律,以期丰富中国近现代音乐史研究的史料与内容。 全文从唱片业的历史踪迹、唱片的内容、唱片的生产与市场运作、唱片的影响等几个角度,分别论述了二十世纪上半叶中国唱片的以下几方面内容: 唱片产业在各阶段的发展状况:各类唱片的主要内容、唱片对各时期音乐发展的体现、著名艺人的灌音活动;唱片的灌录、制作、销售、消费的基本情况;唱片对音乐文化及大众文化生活、政治、经济、教育等社会诸方面的影响。  

英文摘要 Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the phonographs and the phonograph records were spread into China. At the first half of the twentieth century, it's a fact that the industry of the phonograph records had come into being. The form and development of the industry of the phonograph records promoted the development of the modern and contemporary Chinese music, while at the same time it made itself became one of the most important part of the modern and contemporary musical history of China.Gathering and sorting out the corresponding materials further based on the achievement in research, linking with the other humanities such as economics、 sociology and so on, using the research method of the musical historiography to track back to the history of the Chinese records and find out the law that how does the industry of the phonograph records reflect and influence the development of the musical culture, the author here aims to enrich the historical data and content of the research for the modern and contemporary musical history of China.According to the history of the industry of records、 the content of records 、 the market operation and the influence of the records, the article here discuss the following contents: the developing situation of the Chinese industry of records at the first half of the twentieth century; the main contents of the different kinds of records; the records do reflect the different period of Chinese music; the sound recording activities of the famous singers; the elementary circumstances of the sound recording、 manufacture、 sales volume、 consume of the records; the influence that the records can do to the musical culture、 the popular life、 politics、 economics and education, etc.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2005.4564    
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