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论歌曲伴奏中的音型手法——中小学音乐教师教学技能选议 中英文摘要            【字体:
论歌曲伴奏中的音型手法——中小学音乐教师教学技能选议 中英文摘要
作者:崔玉    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21



学位授予单位 东北师范大学  

中文关键词 中小学;音乐教师;教学技能;伴奏音型  

导师 王日昌  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学  


英文摘要 The music education plays an important role in aesthetic education andintelligent development, is also the key constituent of the national diathesis training.The music education trends to be the main contents of the primary and junior highschool teaching gradually, especially in today’s society which is transferring fromexam education to diathesis education. As music is a portal art program, the main taskin primary and junior high school stage should train the students to have capabilityfeel and master music accurately. The musical teaching mainly makes the studentobtain the music information and music memory, with the help of sound and melodyand acquire the aesthesia consciousness with appreciates pleased experiencespersonally. But the teacher is the guider of musical teaching, also has prominent effect.Although there are a lot of reasons for the success and failure in music education,since nine years system compulsory education is carried out, the teacher is the basicreason. In the other word, we can say the quality of the teacher has more effect onteaching achievement. In primary and junior high school music classroom teaching,the song teaching is usually the contents that steer, good and bad song accompany, isrelated to the quality of the teaching result directly. The good song accompanies notonly have the function that sets off by contrast, exaggerate, supplement music image,but can still rises guidance, preside the student sings on stage to encourage the studyinterest of the students. This is a basic play ability, as well as " tone type" skill subject,still involve the song accompany amid. So choosing and designing accompany tonetype Creatively, it is an important contents to play song accompany well. How tochoose the song of application accompanies amid of" tone type", this subject deserveseverybody together concern with study. Therefore the author of this passage will talkabout it, bonding primary and junior high school teaching of practice, aiming atsolving the problem that some teacher can’t choose the accompany tone typesuccessfully, the author indicates some new ideas and views, which involve in thesignificant meaning of the accompany tone type, the common problems appear inprimary and junior high school music teaching, and good suggestions for this subject.After reading this passage, the teachers in school can improve teaching ability in theaccompany tone type by self study and practice; according to this foundation, they canserve in primary and junior high school music lesson of the teaching well.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2005.2914  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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