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福建省大田县农村中小学音乐教育现状调查分析及课程设置与实施之构想 中英文摘要            【字体:
福建省大田县农村中小学音乐教育现状调查分析及课程设置与实施之构想 中英文摘要
作者:陈岳辉    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21



学位授予单位 福建师范大学  

中文关键词 大田县;农村中小学;音乐课程  

导师 马达  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 本文立足于实践调查,围绕大田县农村中小学音乐教育现状及课程设置与实施而展开论述。文中阐述音乐教育的现状(状况与分析)、音乐教育改革与发展的必要性与可能性、音乐课程的设置与实施及构建音乐教育体系之思考、发展我国农村中小学音乐教育的普及性对策,共四个部分内容。 “教育现状”包括调查过程描述与调查结果分析两部分内容。前者裁剪笔者调查过程中的几个有代表性的片断,反映落后的农村学校音乐教育存在的各种状况,同时也描述几位优秀音乐教师的教学情况。后者分别从学生、教育、学校、家长及社会环境五个方面进行分析,指出这当中于学校音乐教育事业的有利与不利因素,并力求找出其中的内在关系。 “音乐教育改革与发展的必要性与可能性”部分的内容旨在说明发展大田县农村学校音乐教育的重要性,从自然资源、学生、教师及家长四方面各具有特点进行论述。 “音乐课程的设置与实施及构建音乐教育体系之思考”是本课题研究的目的。本文从音乐课程目标与音乐课程价值来界定音乐课程和设置,以课堂教学与课外活动作为音乐课程实施的方式。在此基础上,提出构建大田县农村学校音乐教育体系的几点思考。 “发展我国农村中小学音乐教育的普及性对策”部分建议我国农村中小学教育应建立起以学生为导归、以社会为尺度、以学校为依托、以教师为主导、以教材为载体和以政策为支柱的音乐课程结构体系。  

英文摘要 This thesis conducts a factual survey of current musical education involving its curriculum design and carry-out in grade-high school in rural district of Datian. It falls into four parts which includes 1) a general survey and analysis of education status quo. 2) the need for and feasibility of reformation. 3) some reflections on the design and enforcement of music curriculum and establishment of musical education system. 4) measures of prompting general access to musical education in grade and high school.Education status quo covers procedure description and finding analysis of the survey. The former presents some representative scenes which reflects the underdeveloped status of musical education in rural school as well as some excellent music teachers' teaching activities. The latter makes a note of both the strong points and weak points of school musical education from the angles of pupils, teachers, school, parents and social environment and strives to work out its internal relation.The second part is conducted to stress the importance of school musical education in Datian rural areas from the aspects of resources, pupils, teachers and parents.The third part is the very end of this thesis which defines the establishment of music curriculum based on its aim and its value. Then it sets forth that the curriculum should be put into practice through classroom teaching activities combined with practices after school. By this way my thoughts about the construction of rural school musical education system is thus advanced.The final part suggests a system of music curriculum which should gives priority to pupils under the guidance of teacher through teaching materials, which only can be achieved with the backup of the school and supportive polices and to the needs of society.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2005.4563  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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