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新编朝鲜族与汉族小学校音乐教科书比较研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
新编朝鲜族与汉族小学校音乐教科书比较研究 中英文摘要
作者:朴善锦    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-20



学位授予单位 延边大学  

中文关键词 朝鲜族小学校;汉族小学校;一年级;二年级;音乐教科书;比较研究  

导师 南熙哲  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 朝鲜民族音乐理论


中文摘要 众所周知中国是一个多民族国家,各民族的音乐教科书以国家的相关法律法规和方针政策为准绳,同时还要体现出各民族的不同特色。因民族的不同和对音乐教育的理解、认识的不同各民族的音乐教科书会有差异。故对国内不同民族音乐教科书的比较研究无论是对加强相关法律法规和方针政策的执行力度,正确合理体现民族特色,合理建构教科书内容,科学规划教科书体系均有重要的意义。本论文将采用音乐学的方法和统计学的方法对朝鲜族小学校一、二年级音乐教科书和汉族小学校一、二年级音乐教科书进行详细的统计分析,以此为基础对朝、汉小学校一、二年级音乐教科书的音乐内容构成、音乐领域构成、音乐领域构成的方法逐项进行比较,从而得出相应的结论并提出一些建议。笔者在文中得出了如下几方面的主要结论: 1.汉族教科书音乐作品数量比朝鲜族教科书多一倍左右。 2.朝、汉一、二年级教科书分别由六大领域构成,前五个领域基本一致,第六个领域完全不同。朝鲜族教科书中单元歌唱曲和补充歌唱曲之合少于汉族教科书的单元歌唱曲数。 3.朝鲜族教科书在歌唱曲国籍方面与汉族教科书有着明显的不同,甚至在朝鲜族教科书内部也未能体现出持之以恒的比例关系。 4.朝、汉小学校一、二年级单元歌唱曲的拍子种类一样。调性种类方面朝鲜族单元歌唱曲明显少于汉族,朝鲜族多用C大调,汉族多用F大调。朝、汉小学速度用语种类比例相当,速度标记比例明显少于汉族。感情用语种类方面少于汉族。音域选择更加合理。朝、汉教科书均有一人多曲情况。 5.朝鲜族教科书音乐欣赏领域乐曲数量过少,本民族和其他民族、其他国家的比例关系上本民族的过少,外国的过多。欣赏领域中的声乐形式大体一致,器乐形式没有  


英文摘要 As is known to all ,china is a nation with many nationalities, the music textbook of each nationality is based on relative laws and policies of our country. At the same time ,it must represent the characteristic of its own. And because of the difference in understanding of music, there are some differences among the different nationalities. So it is very important to arrange reasonable teaching plans and represent the characteristics of the nationality.This essay will compare music textbooks of grade one and grade two in Chinese elementary schools with Korean ones though statistics methods .And basing on this, I will provide someadvice on the formation of musical content ,musical field and so on.I got the following conclusions in my essay: 1 .The number of Chinese music textbooks is twice as many as the Korean ones2.Both of the textbooks in Chinese and Korean schools are made up of six parts, and the first five parts are almost the same. But the sixth part is completely different. The songs in each unit in Korean music textbooks are fewer than that in Chinese ones.3.There are differences between the two textbooks in choosing songs from which countries, and even in Korean textbooks there is not a reasonable percentage.4.The rhythms in both textbooks are the same. But the tunes in Korean songs are obviously fewer than Chinese ones. And Korean songs use C tune, while the Chinese ones use F tune.5.The songs for enjoying in Korean textbooks are too few, and the percentage of its own nationality and other nationalities are not reasonable. Korean songs are few and the songs of other countries are much more.6.Skills training in Korean textbooks are very important with many pictures and some hint words but there are none in Chinese ones.7.The knowledge of understanding theory are the same. The Korean textbooks for grade one and two use staff, and there is only one song using letters. There are two kinds in Chinese textbooks :staff and numbered notation ,and in grade two there are many songs using letters.8.There are practice fields in the two textbooks.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10184.2.2005.1221  


文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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