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音乐新课程教学评价研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
音乐新课程教学评价研究 中英文摘要
作者:龙亚君    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-20



学位授予单位 湖南师范大学  

中文关键词 音乐新课程;音乐教学评价;评价体系;课堂教学  

导师 吴跃跃  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 课程与教学论  

中文摘要 随着国家教育部《音乐课程标准》(实验稿)的颁布与实施,我国基础音乐教育已迈入一个具有里程碑意义的新的发展时期。课程改革导致了传统课程评价观的变化,已由以往注重单一性、结果性、数值性评价转向多样性和多元化的形成性评价。新课程倡导“立足过程,促进发展”的评价观,这不仅仅是评价体系的变革,更重要的是评价理念、评价方法与手段以及评价实施过程的转变。面对新课程,如何进行科学的评价,是音乐课程改革的重要内容。本课题将重新审视音乐教学评价,并对音乐教学评价进行重新定位,在对国内外音乐教学评价作出分析、研究的基础之上,对音乐新课程教学评价的价值、理念、目标、内容、特点等方面进行研究,着重研究促进学生与教师发展的科学评价体系。全文包括绪言、正文和结束语三部分。绪言在提出问题的基础上,阐明本课题的研究意义。正文分三个部分,第一部分,对教学评价进行概述,分析教学评价的发展趋势及我国音乐教学评价的现状及存在的问题;第二部分以《基础教育课程改革纲要》(施行)为导向、《音乐课程标准》为依据,提出适合音乐课程教学的评价理念、原则、特点及内容;第三部分从音乐教学评价的理论准备、方案设计、指标体系的制定、方式方法的运用、如何下结论以及不同类型的音乐课堂教学评价等方面来建构有利于学生与教师发展的音乐新课程教学评价体系。  

英文摘要 Along with < being promulgated and put into practice by the National Ministry of Education, Our country's basic musical education has stepped into a new developing period which having milestone meaning The curriculum's reform caused the variation of the traditional evaluation view. That make a point of oneness result and number evaluation now it has changed to formative evaluation with diversity and variety. The new curriculum initiates the evaluation view of "Based on the process, promote the development". This is not only changed the whole evaluate system, But also changed the evaluate principles, methods, means and its practice process which being of more importance. Faced the new curriculum, how to proceed the scientific evaluation is An important contents of musical curriculum reform, this thesis will afresh Survey and relocate musical teaching evaluation. Based on the foundation of Analyzing and investigating the domestic and international musical evaluation, We will research the new evaluation's value, ideas, principles, targets, contents, characteristics etc. and emphasize the research on scientific evaluation system that promote the student and teacher's development. This thesis includes three parts of introduction, text and conclusion, Introduction clarifies the research meaning based on the questions raising. The text is composed of three parts. The First part summarizes the teaching evaluation, the actuality of our country's musical teaching evaluation and the problems in existence, the second part takes <> as basis, puts forwards evaluation principles, ideas, characteristics and contents. The third part constructs a scientific evaluation system that promote the student and teacher's development. Through the aspects of theory's preparing, scheme's designing, guideline's establishing, methods' using, conclusion' give up and various musical class's teaching evaluating.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2004.0490  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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