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《幼儿音乐教育》网络课程设计 中英文摘要            【字体:
《幼儿音乐教育》网络课程设计 中英文摘要
作者:郭占欣    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-20


学位授予单位 河北大学  

中文关键词 幼儿音乐教育;网络课程;教学设计;学习资源  

导师 张立新  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 教育技术学


英文摘要 This paper has expounded the subject research background firstly, and analyzed in detail the current situation and the existing shortcoming of Web-based curriculum at present. Then from analyzing general instruction design mode and the characteristic of Web-based curriculum to start, the design mode of Web-based curriculum on music education for young children has been put forward. And the design process of the Web-based curriculum has been expounded in detail based on the characteristic of music education for young children, which mainly includes five aspects: initial analysis of the design, design of subject task, design of learning resources, design of the teaching and learning strategy and appraisal design. It is important part of the paper. Among them the learning goal has been established based on the analysis of learning contents, and learning contents is presented to students with the form of subject task. The part of learning resources design stresses the design of learning resources and cognitive tool. In order to promote the development of educational practice course, the cooperating learning way of "partner's teaching" has been brought up combining the characteristic of music education for young children in the design of teaching and learning strategy in the term of organization form, learning method and management strategy. Appraisal design part stresses the appraisal of learning process and study result, and learning archives appraisal in the form of " my appraisal " is the main characteristic of the appraisal of Web-based curriculum.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10075.2.2004.9658  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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