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黄自与《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》中英文摘要            【字体:
作者:吴月欣    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-20


学位授予单位 浙江师范大学  

中文关键词 黄自;音乐教育;中国音乐教科书;《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》  

导师 杨和平  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 课程与教学论  

中文摘要 20世纪初,随着西方音乐的传入,我国的新式学堂也逐步建立和发展起来,在新式学堂中开设乐歌课(或唱歌课)成为那个时代学校音乐教育的滥觞。从沈心工、李叔同、曾志忞等人为学堂乐歌的发展所做的启蒙贡献,到萧友梅、赵元任、刘天华、黎锦晖、黄自等音乐教育家所开创的专业音乐教育事业,无数的先辈音乐家们为中国音乐文化事业的发展贡献着自己的力量,黄自就是这批先辈中的集大成者和具有代表性的人物。他无论是在音乐理论、音乐创作,还是音乐教育实践上都有很高的成就,值得我们今人认真分析、研究、借鉴和发扬。本文采用文献分析、比较等研究方法,从黄自在教书育人、教材建设、音乐创作、爱国实践等方面的贡献入手,择其主编《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》的研究视角,昭示出我国近现代以来音乐教材由产生到逐步发展的历史脉络,具体分析、归纳出《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》的四个主要特色,即:世界性和民族性、思想性和艺术性、科学性和严谨性、经典性和时代性,并进一步将《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》与九年义务教育课程标准实验版的音乐教科书进行比较,在此基础上,阐释出《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》的独特贡献及其历史局限。本文认为《复兴初级中学音乐教科书》是依据1932年的音乐课程标准编写出来的一套具有科学性、艺术性又不乏民族性的优秀教科书,有着明确的编写理念和编写特点,并且在教材的科学性、严谨性、  

英文摘要 In China, a number of new types of schools were established with the introduction of western music in the early 20th century. It was the origin of school music education to set up music course in these new types of schools at that time. Therefore many musicians have made great contribution to the development of our country's music education at that time, such as Shen Xingong etc. HuangZi was a representative of all these musicians for his great contribution to the theory of music, composition and music education that we should learn more from him.According to HuangZi's contribution, the purpose of this study was to determine the skeleton of the history of music textbooks in China and to analyze the FuXing junior middle school music textbooks. The methods of this study included literature analysis and comparison and took the contribution made by HuangZi in training and educating, the construction of textbooks, the composition of music and the practice of the love to our country as its beginning. Specially, the study investigated four main aspects of Fuxing junior middle school music textbooks: cosmopolitan and nationality, the idea and the art, the precise and the scientific, the classic and the modern, and compared FuXing junior middle school music textbooks with the textbooks which are used now in  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10345.2.2005.3742  


文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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