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俞绂棠音乐教育思想与实践研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
俞绂棠音乐教育思想与实践研究 中英文摘要
作者:熊淑敏    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 浙江师范大学  

中文关键词 俞绂棠;音乐教育思想;音乐教育实践  

导师 杨和平  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 课程与教学论  

中文摘要 在20世纪中国学校音乐教育发展的历史长河中,涌现出许多为音乐教育事业献身的先行者。从沈心工、李叔同、曾志态等人开启中国近现代启蒙音乐教育,到蔡元培、萧友梅、黄自、刘天华、吴梦非、丰子恺、刘质平等人致力于专业音乐教育,以及为中国当代音乐教育事业的发展作出贡献的音乐教育家,他们共同为20世纪中国音乐教育事业谱写出一曲壮丽的赞歌。在20世纪中国音乐教育家中,我们把目光投向了俞绂棠作为本文的研究对象。俞绂棠是刘质平的弟子,李叔同(弘一法师)的再传弟子。他从高中一直到大学都师从刘质平,主攻钢琴、作曲理论:在大学时期,俞绂棠为弘一法师的《清凉》谱曲,深得大师的赏识;抗战期间,俞绂棠坚持在中学一线从事音乐教学工作,同时创作出大量的抗战歌曲,为宣传抗战作出了自己的贡献。新中国成立后,俞绂棠从事音乐教育工作和专业音乐创作,为浙江省培养了第一批音乐师资,创作出了许多歌颂党歌颂社会主义祖国的歌曲乐曲,为浙江省的音乐教育事业发挥了应有的作用。本文在导言部分揭示了研究俞绂棠音乐教育思想与实践的目的和意义以及主要的研究方法;在第一章我们观照了俞绂棠的音乐教育思想的形成轨迹,着重考察了俞绂棠的生平和从教经历,展现了20世纪中国音乐教育的大背景,透析了李叔同、刘质平、冼星海等音乐家对俞绂棠音乐教育思想的形成所产生的影响:在第二章我们梳理和归纳出俞绂棠音乐教育思想的主要内容(音乐教育教学观、音乐教材编选观、音乐教学方法观、音乐教学评价观、音乐教师教育观等);在第三章我们将俞绂棠音乐教育实践的主要方面(作曲、音乐教育撰述和音乐评论等),作出了宏观有机的动态把握,并概括出俞绂棠音乐教育实践所体现出的时代性、民族性和艺术文化传承性;在第四章我们总结了俞绂棠的音乐教育与实践成就,肯定了他在中国音乐史及音乐教育史上的地位,并对俞绂棠在音乐教育实践中关涉的音乐教育与政治教育、音乐教育与思想道德教育、音乐教育与时代背景、音乐教学法的局限等问题作了进一步的探讨。通过对俞绂棠音乐教育思想与实践的研究,我们发现,为音乐教育事业拚搏了一生的俞绂棠,为中国音乐教育事业作出了应有的贡献,虽然在他的音乐教育思想与实践的流程中因为政治、社会和时代等方面的原因,其音乐思想与实践还存在一定的局限性,但是他所作出的努力和他在音乐教育领域的耕耘所收取得的成就值得我们记取,他在音乐教育上的追求值得我们进一步思考和推进。俞绂棠  

英文摘要 During the history of the development of Chinese music education in the 20C ,there existed many remarkable people who influenced Chinese music education deeply .The teaching of school songs started by Shen Xingong ,Li shutong and Zeng Zhimin initiated modern Chinese music education .With the efforts of Cai Yuanpei ,Xiao Youmei ,Huang Zi ,Liu Tianhua ,Wu Mengfei ,Liu Zhiping ,Feng Zikai and many music educationists ,the career of Chinese music eduction in the 20C has got a great development. Among those music educationists in the 20C ,we choose Yu Futang as the study object in the thesis Yu Futang was the student of Liu Zhiping who once was one of Li Shutong's most excellent students .Yu Futang majored in piano ,composing theory in the guidance of Liu Zhiping when he was in the senior middle school and college His composition for Li Shutong's Qing Liang got Li Shutong's highly praise when he was in the college .During the war against Japanese invaders ,Yu Futang stood fast in the middle school music education and composed many songs which contributed a lot to the war .After the foundation of New China ,Yu Futang worked on music education and professional musical creation .Thus he trained and brought up the first music teacher team for New China and composed a lot of songs .Yu Futang had exerted himself in the development of the 20C Chinese music and music education through his life . In the introduction of the thesis we bring to light the purpose, significance and practice .In Chapter One we view the path of the form of Yu Futang's music educational thoughts through making an on-the-spot investigation on Yu Futang's life and teaching experience which shows the whole background of the 20C Chinese music education and penetrates the influence from Li Shutong ,Liu Zhiping ,Nie Er ,Xian Xinghai and so on on the form of Yu futang's music educational thoughts .In Chapter Two we sum up the main content of Yu Futang's music educational thoughts which is elaborated though the view of music teaching ,musical material compilation ,music teaching evaluation and music teaching content and methods ,music teaching evaluation and music teachers' education .In Chapter Three we summarize Yu Futang's music educational practice in the way of dividing Yu's music educational practice into composition ,music teaching ,music writing and  

DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.036234  

文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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