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中国百年学校音乐教育思想发展研究(1904-2004)            【字体:
作者:承颖    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 南京师范大学  
中文关键词 音乐教育思想;美育;母语;多元文化;素质教育  
导师 管建华  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学 

中文摘要 中国的二十世纪是学校音乐教育思想在嬗变中不断成长的一个世纪。音乐教育作为社会的文化系统的一部分,与其他教育学科一样,肩负着传承和创新的两重使命。而且,由于教育是社会政治经济制度的组成部份,涉及到文化变迁、社会变迁、制度变迁等诸多复杂因素。因此,音乐教育思想的变迁也是教育、学术、外来文化与民族文化等格局的变动中,诸多因素的互动和合力的结果。因而,本文以时代的政治和教育发展变化为背景,以逝去的百年为经,以音乐教育思想为纬,在音乐教育学本体的视角之外,加入文化研究和社会研究的视角,多层次地审视百年中国学校音乐教育思想的发展历程。 在21世纪初,面对着一个更加开放的时代,东西方文化的交融、弘扬中华民族文化的优良传统与吸收世界文化科学的精华相结合,都将反映在我们的学校音乐教育思想、观念、教育内容和教育方法等诸多方面。学校音乐教育面临更广阔的视野和不断与时俱进的挑战,我们有理由相信学校音乐教育思想的发展会紧跟时代脉搏,在当代学校音乐教育发展的基础上更好地建构21世纪的中国学校音乐教育。  

英文摘要 The 20~(th) century of China witnessed the unceasing development of thought of music education through its own evolution. As part of cultural system of the society, music education, like education of other subjects, undertakes the twofold mission of both inheriting and innovating. Being a componential part of the political and economic system of society, education is an issue which involves various complicated elements such as the changes of culture, society and institution. Therefore, the evolution of thought of music education is the result of the interplay of all the related elements in the changes of education, academics, foreign and native cultures and so on. With the current politics and development of education as its background as its background, this thesis examines the evolution of thought of school music education of China in the past 100 years from the perspectives of music pedagogy as well as cultural and social research.The 21~(st) century is an era when our country is more open to the outside world. The interaction between western and eastern cultures, the undertakings of advancing and enriching the fine cultural heritage of our own nation and absorbing the essence of foreign culture and science will be reflected in various aspects of school music education such as thought, concept, contents and methods. School music education is confronted with a much broader vision and ever-changing challenges. However, we have reason to believe that the development of though of school music education will keep pace with the time and, on the foundation of the development of contemporary school music education, will lead to a better construction of school music education of China in the 21st century.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10319.2.2005.9178  

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