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中国音乐基础理论教育发展脉络研究            【字体:
作者:刘绵绵    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 福建师范大学  
中文关键词 基本乐理;传统乐理;现代乐理;文化视野;发展脉络  
导师 王耀华乔建中  
论文级别 博士  
学科专业名称 民族音乐学  

中文摘要 由于历史与现实的种种原因,致使中国基本乐理的发展在教学体系、教学内容等方面都相对滞后。修正或补充当前通行的基本乐理,进而构建起中国音乐基础理论学科体系,应是中国的音乐工作者面临的重要任务。本文综合音乐教育与音乐史学、音乐文化学、音乐形态学等相关学科理论,运用科学、客观、理性的价值观和整体、综合的观念,将中国音乐基础理论教育发展脉络作为研究对象,以史为鉴,进而对中国音乐基础理论学科体系的构建加以思考与展望。 建国前的中国音乐基础理论教育以西洋乐理为主,其发展可分为四个阶段:1、西洋乐理在宫廷:鸦片战争前西洋乐理初涉中国;2、西洋乐理在教堂:鸦片战争至二十世纪初西洋乐理输入中国;3、西洋乐理在学堂:学堂乐歌时期的西洋乐理在中国的发展;4、西洋乐理在学校:“五四”运动至建国前西洋乐理在中国的发展。建国后的中国音乐基础理论教育以九十年代为界,分为两个时期,即建国后至九十年代的缓慢期和九十年代后的蜕变期。建国后至九十年代仍沿袭二十世纪五十年代前的欧洲乐理体系,学科发展缓慢;九十年代后,在素质教育、母语教育和多元文化音乐教育发展观的要求下,基本乐理的学科发展也出现了新的质变,分别在中国传统乐理、现代乐理以及乐理文化视野的拓展等方面做了诸多有益的尝试。 从中国音乐基础理论教育的发展脉络可以看出,建国前西洋乐理在中国的发展,是一个由被动接受到主动吸纳的过程,传播西洋乐理的范围由宫廷到教堂、再到学校、到社会,使得中国的乐理教学逐步发展成为以大小调体系为主导模式,中国音乐基础理论逐渐偏离了自己的轨道。随着建国后音乐研究的深入,基本乐理的学科发展出现了繁盛的局面,音乐基础理论建设正向多元化、纵深化的方向迈进,许多音乐学家与音乐教育家纷纷从不同的学科角度与研究视野对中国音乐基础理论的建设做出贡献。 本着“史论结合,论从史出”的原则,通过对基本乐理在中国发展脉络的梳理,进而对中国乐理学科建设的理想模式加以构想,即从历时方面促进传统乐理与现代乐理的融合,从共时方面加强基本乐理中民族与世界的统一,同时关注乐理教学中技术与文化的内涵,加强乐理教材中概念的科学性与逻辑性。 

英文摘要 Because some reasons of history and reality, the development of Chinese basic music theory is backward in teaching system and content It's the important task that correct or supply the present basic music theory and construct Chinese basic music theory system. This thesis synthesizes music education and music historiography, music culturology, music morphology, and utilizes scientific, objective, rational, entirety and synthetical senses. It makes the development of Chinese basic music theory education as object of study, and takes the history as object lesson, then thinks and prospects the construction of Chinese basic music theory system. Chinese basic music theory education took the Western music theory as main content before established. This period is divided into four parts: 1 .The Western music theory in China before Opium War, 2.The Western music theory in China from Opium War to early 20~(th) ; 3.The Western music theory in China in Xue Tang Yue Ge period; 4.The Western music theory in China from Wu-si movement to established. Chinese basic music theory education after established is divided into two parts: The slow development from established to 1990's and the change after 1990's. Chinese basic music theory still follow the Western music theory system from established to 1990's and developed slowly. After 1990's, Chinese basic music theory has changed in the demand of diathesis education, mother tongue education and pluralistic culture musical education, and has done much try in traditional music theory, modem music theory and opening up of music theory in cultural field. From the development of Chinese basic music theory education, we see that the development of the Western music theory in China was a course from passive acceptance to initiative absorption before established. The scope of spreading the Western music theory was from palace to church, to school, to social. And it made Chinese music theory education develop into a system which took the major-minor system as the main model. Chinese basic music theory has deviated it's track gradually. In pace with deep study in music after established, the development of basic music theory has appeared thriving situation. The construction of basic music theory is going to the direction of pluralism and depth. Many musicologists and music educationists have contributed to the construction of Chinese basic music theory from different points and fields. This thesis adheres to principle of "combining history and discussion, history drawing conclusion", and concepts the ideal model of Chinese basic music theory through combing the development of basic music theory in China. This model is that promote the fusion of traditional music theory and modem one in length, strengthen the unity of nation and world factors in basic music theory in breadth, and pay close attention to the intention of technology and cultural in music theory education at the same time, and strengthen science and logicality of conceptions in basic music theory textbooks.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10394.2.2006.0568  

文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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