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多元智能理论在中小学音乐教学中的实践与探索            【字体:
作者:丁永姬    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 多元智能理论;音乐教学;多元化;个体差异  
导师 郑莉  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 学科教学

中文摘要 音乐课程是基础教育中的重要组成部分和必修学科,也是长期以来整个基础教育的薄弱环节,音乐教育面临发展的机遇和严峻的挑战。本课题正是以多元智能理论为理论依据,通过分析目前中小学音乐教学的现状,阐述提出多元化音乐教学的必要性,探讨实施多元化音乐教学的途经与方法,论述实施多元化教育对教师的要求。使音乐教学理念、教学方法、教学目标、教学内容、教学模式、评价方式趋于多元化、科学化。 全文分为五章阐述:第一章:绪论。介绍多元智能理论以及该理论与素质教育的协同。第二章:通过分析目前音乐教学的现状以及中小学音乐教育的基本特征,阐明借鉴多元智能理论对音乐教学的启示。第三章:实施多元化音乐教学的思路。主要从音乐教学目标多元化、教学模式多元化、评价方式多元化这三个方面入手,论述多元智能理论在音乐教学中的应用策略。第四章:抓住学生特点,以多元化的教学手段来丰富音乐课堂教学,通过教学案例的形式阐述多元智能理论在中小学音乐教学中的实践与应用。并结合教学实践说明在具体操作过程中,教师应该注意的几点问题。第五章:结论。 本课题力争在中小学音乐课堂教学上有所突破,为教师实际操作提供参考。

英文摘要 Music teaching is faced with both opportunity for development and tremendous challenge since the music course, as an important part and compulsory subject in elementary education, has long been regarded as weak point in elementary education. Based on multiple intelligent theory, this paper focuses on analysis of current problems arising in music teaching of primary and middle schools, highlighting necessity of multiple music teaching. It further talks about possible means and methods which could be introduced in the course of exercise of multiple music teaching and tries to expatiating on requirement of calibre improvement of music teachers. With regard to the concepts, methods, targets, contents, mode and assessment concerning music teaching, the purpose of this paper is trying to help make them tend to be multiple and scientific. The paper text is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1: Introduction. In this chapter, it first makes some explanations on multiple intelligent theory as well as coordination between the theory and caliber education. Through analysis of current situation of music teaching as well as basic characteristics of music teaching in primary & middle schools, Chapter 2 expounds the revelation for music teaching by introduction of multiple intelligent theory. Chapter 3: Suggestion on Practice and application of Multiple Music Teaching. In this chapter, efforts are made in explaining, in light of multiple music teaching targets, multiple teaching mode and multiple evaluation, the strategies to be applied in music teaching for the theory. Chapter 4 showcases the practice and application of the multiple intelligent theory, by means of teaching cases, in music teaching of primary & middle schools, for the purpose of demonstrating how the multiple teaching methods have improved music teaching, with the students' characteristics taken into account. Chapter 5: Conclusion. This part is mainly involved in drawing teachers' attention to some points during the practice of music teaching. This paper, on the strength of multiple intelligent theory, is directed to make a breakthrough, to some extent, in music teaching of primary & middle schools, providing reference for teachers in real practice.  
DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040543  


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