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中小学音乐教育中非智力因素的培养和影响问题的研究            【字体:
作者:钱拥军    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 湖南师范大学  
中文关键词 非智力因素;音乐教育;学生;心理品质;影响;培养  
导师 朱咏北  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 课程与教学论  
中文摘要 近年来,随着中小学改革的不断深入,新课程标准逐步实施,为我国音乐教育的加速发展奠定了良好的基础。但是,我国的中小学音乐教育中还存在着许多问题,如不能得到有效地解决,将会影响音乐教育的继续发展。目前,中小学音乐教育中存在的主要问题就是不重视学生心理的研究,没有认识到非智力因素的影响力,忽视非智力因素等心理品质的培养。从而导致学生音乐学习积极性不高,音乐教育的审美功能得不到有效发挥。本文针对我国中小学生非智力因素发展水平普遍偏低的现状,结合中小学音乐教育的实际,吸收了国内外教育学和心理学等多门学科的理论和成果,较为详尽地论述了非智力因素对中小学生学习音乐的影响和中小学音乐教育的影响,提出了培养非智力因素必须遵循的原则以及培养途径和方法。  

英文摘要 In recent years, the deepening reform and the new course standard' s putting into effect in primary and middle schools have laid a sound foundation for the musical education in our country. However, there still exist a lot of problems which will affect the continuing development of musical education if they are not solved properly. At present, not attaching great importance to the research on students' psychology, not realizing the influence of non-intellectual factors and the neglecting of the cultivation of psychological traits are the major problems in the musical education in primary and middle schools. All these problems result in students' lack of motivation in music learning and their failure in the appreciation of good music. Considering the low level of non-intellectual factors and the present situation in musical education in primary and middle schools in our country, based on the theories and achievements in education and psychology both at home and abroad, this article discusses in great detail t he non-intellectual factors' effects on the music learning of primary and middle schools' students and their effects on the musical education in primary and middle schools. In addition, this paper puts forward some rules that the cultivation of non-intellectual factors should obey and the ways and methods of their cultivation as well.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2004.0487  


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