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关于音乐脱盲的初步探索            【字体:
作者:罗红艳    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 湖南师范大学  
中文关键词 音乐脱盲;音乐教育;内涵;标准;途径  
导师 郭声健  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 音乐是一门古老的艺术,从它诞生起到现在一直伴随着人们。在人们物质生活水平日益提高的今天,音乐已经渗透到整个社会当中,成为生活中必不可少的一部分,可以说人人都需要音乐。新世纪音乐教育事业的蓬勃发展为人们学习音乐提供了有利条件,社会音乐文化环境也促使更多的人感受到音乐的魅力。本文在此提出一个关于音乐脱盲的构想,试图让更多的人学习音乐、享受音乐,达到音乐脱盲。本文所指的音乐脱盲是指人们通过音乐学习,脱离音乐盲区,它是音乐教育普及之后的一种结果。美国著名音乐教育家贝内特•雷默教授在他的论著《音乐教育的哲学》一书中阐述了他的“音乐脱盲”理念,这是本文写作的原始灵感。围绕什么是音乐脱盲,音乐脱盲的标准是什么,如何进行音乐脱盲等,本文构建了如下写作框架。 绪论部分:主要阐述本文的写作背景,本课题的价值以及理论意义和现实意义,以确立本文写作的必要性。 第一章:先以音乐教育学、音乐社会学、音乐传播学等不同学科领域为视角,从中挖掘出音乐脱盲理论研究基础,再从音乐脱盲与识谱、音乐表现、音乐审美、音乐文化的关系中探求音乐脱盲的内涵。认为音乐脱盲应该包含以上几方面的内容,而且这几部分应该是一个整合体,不应分裂开来。 第二章:音乐脱盲标准的建构。首先阐述制订音乐脱盲标准的基本原则,即要遵循普遍性和特殊性统一、稳定性和可变性统一、内在  

英文摘要 Music is an art with a long history, which has been always accompanying human beings. Today, as people's living standards are being improved steadily, music has seeped into the whole society and become an essential part of people's life. The ongoing new-century music education has provided people with better condition to approach music; meanwhile, the social musical environment helps more people experience the charm of music. This thesis proposes a project to "eliminate the illiteracy of music"(EIM), which is referred to getting people away from the state of knowing nothing about music. This is supposed to be the result of music education popularization. Bennett Reimer, a famous music educator in America, has explained elaborately and wittily the idea of EIM in his representative work " A Philosophy of Music Education". This idea is the original inspiration of this thesis.This thesis will focus on the definition, criterion and practice of EIM. The introduction explains the background of composition, the value, theoretical and realistic significance of the subject Chapter One explores the implication of EIM among the relationships between EIM and note reading, music performance, music appreciating, musical culture. It is supposed to be an inseparable complex of these relationships. Chapter Two addresses the basic principles and the details of the criteria of EIM. The principles are three unifications between generalization and peculiarity, between stability and variety, and between inherence and externality. The details are the possession of the basic sensibility of music aesthetics and the capability of the basic musical performance, fundamental musical knowledge, a healthy aesthetic attitude and a lasting impetus for learning music. Chapter Three discusses various means to the realization of EIM The music education is regarded as the major approach to EIM, especially in regular institutions of higher learning. The necessities are provided by social musical and cultural environment  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2005.2881

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