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大学公共音乐教育与音乐教育专业的异同研究 | ||||||
作者:康爱琪 文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站 点击数: 更新时间:2008-2-19 | ||||||
感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料---洪啸音乐教育工作站 学位授予单位 首都师范大学 中文关键词 大学公共音乐;音乐教育专业;异同研究;剖析建构 导师 周世斌 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐学 中文摘要 国家的综合国力、科技进步、知识创新的能力和水平、将越来越取决于教育的发展和人才的竞争。为求得“人”的全面发展而致力于审美素质提升的大学公共音乐教育,已成为培养现代化人才综合素质的一个重要方面,在国家高度重视之下的大学公共音乐教育的改革发展步伐正在加快。但是,在音乐教育专业等同模式和素质教育盲从热潮的偏颇观念影响下,致使大学公共音乐教育在专业同化、简化、泛化、强化、窄化的束缚中无法解脱羁绊,这将极易导致普通大学公共音乐教育失却原有本质的教育作用。该文将力图在纵与横、动与静、求同与求异、定性与定量的整体剖析和比较归纳中,以辨证理性的研究思路为指导,在以专业(音乐学院和师范院系的音乐教育专业)与非专业(普通大学公共音乐教育)的教育流程的对比中,理清专业与非专业音乐教育异同的线条和脉络,区分出惯存的优劣之势,在借鉴继承优秀的、适宜于公共音乐教育发展的专业教育模式中,剔除阻碍大学公共音乐教育持续发展的弊端,在理性的区分、融会与整合中,为充实和创设普通高校公共音乐教育培养方案提供有价值的参考。全文共分七部分:第一部分:引言——将以明确的研究思路和研究价值展现主题的立意与论点;第二部分:培养方向的异同——从培养目标、专业口径、职业适应面进行重点突出的叙述和比较;第三部分:教育价值的异同——以价值取向为切入点,从育人、学术、社会等价值的不同方面逐步展开;第四部分:教育观念的异同——重视观念变革是改革与构建先导的基础,在异同中寻求创生与理性相融会的新课程观念,并使之贯穿在大学公共音乐教育的始终;第五部分:教学与课程设置的异同——从教学的内在功能、作用、课程设置的优劣之处进行细化和归类;第六部分:剖析与建构——存切中时弊的思考中对课程设置、师资队伍、教材教法、校园文化进行多维建构和体系综合化的构想;第七部分:结语——从异同研究的理性汇通中简明、准确地对全文整体内容和研究结果进行综述。 英文摘要 The all-side power, technological advancement and acknowledge innovation of a nation, are more and more dependent on the development of education and competition of talented person. The public music education in university, which engages in improving appreciation quality, already becomes an important aspect of integrated faculty training nowadays. Under the stress of our nation, the speed of public music reform is accelerating. Unfortunately under the wrong thoughts of the same mode with professional music education and blind follow of faculty education, the public music education can not run away from the phenomenon of professional, simplifying, universal, stressing and narrow, which may lead to public music education lose the intrinsic role. The article will use vertical and horizontal, static and dynamic, quantitative and qualitative analysis, directing by the dialectical thoughts. According to the comparison the education of professional and nonprofessional, distinguish the advantage of these, in order to get rid of the barrier that block the consistent development of university public music education and provide valuable reference for creating education method. There are seven part in this article: the first part, introduction-the thesis; the second part, the differentiation between education methods -comparing from the objective, specialty, professional adaptation; the third part, the differentiation between education value-analyzing from the value aspect of education, academy and sociality; the fourth part, the differentiation between education idea-seeking the new idea of innovative and objective, and running it through the whole public music education; the fifth part, the differentiation between subject arrangement -classifying from the functions, role and advantage in subject arrangement; the sixth part, analysis and reconstruction-the systematic design of subject arrangement, teacher faculty, textbook and methods, culture in campus; the last part, conclusion-an concise overview of the comparison and conclusion. DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.8831 |
文章录入:风信子 责任编辑:风信子 | ||||||
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