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对我国高校公共音乐教育现状中几个问题的调查与思考            【字体:
作者:张华萃    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 高校公共音乐教育;调查研究;素质;发展;对策  
导师 姚思源  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学 

中文摘要 发展我国教育事业,提高全民素质,促进社会主义物质文明、精神文明建设,是我国教育界面临的首要任务。而大学生素质的提高已是关系到提高全民素质的战略任务。由于音乐教育对提高大学生文化素质有着特殊的作用,因此如何对高校公共音乐教育加强改革,使之更加适应社会的需求,高校公共音乐教育应如何体现“音乐教育——不是培养音乐家,而是首先培养人”这一原则,已经引起了社会各界的关注。 本人采用问卷调查和访谈等方法,对高校公共音乐教育的现状进行了调查,在科学统计数据的基础上发现其存在的问题较多:当代大学生普遍有接受音乐教育的愿望,但其音乐基础普遍较差;决策者对公共音乐教育的认识仍停留在表面;师资力量薄弱;场地设备匮乏;投入不足等。影响高校公共音乐教育发展的主要原因是:教学内容、课程设置、师资建设和管理体制等一系列问题均未形成相对完善的独立体系。为此,结合当前社会发展的趋势以及对人才的需求,寻求解决问题的方法与策略。 全文共分五个部分。 第一部分,提出问题,并阐明研究的理论价值与实际意义。 第二部分,对现状的调查。通过对全国6所高校大学生基本情况和48所高校公共音乐选修课基本情况的调查,获取我国高校公共音乐教育的基本情况。 第三部分,对现状进行讨论分析,找出症结所在。 第四部分,针对问题提出建议,寻找解决的方法与策略。 第五部分,结语。

英文摘要 The primary tasks that develop our national educational cause, raise our people's overall qualities, and improve our socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization are facing us, and among these the improvement of the qualities of college students bears on that of all the people's overall qualities. The special role played by music education in improving college student's qualities makes it necessary to reform the college music education to make it to meet the needs from society. The college music education should embody the principle of " music education should cultivate person first ,not musician", which has aroused the attention from all circles of society. The author of this paper makes an investigation of the present situation of college music education by means of papers and talkings, and finds out there lies many problems on the basis of scientific statistic datas: the general students have the desire to receive music education , while they lack basics; the decision-makers' recognition of music education stays on the surface; the shortage of teachers resources ,ground and equipment and investment etc. The main reasons influences the development of music education in college are the following: the independent system of the teaching contents, curriculum establishment, the construction of teachers resources and government mechanism etc is not formed. All the paper is divided into 5 parts : Part one raises the problem and states the theoretical value and its actual meanings. Part two is the investigation of the present situation and gets the basic information of the public music education in high schools by investigating the basic conditions of the colleges in the 6 universities in our country, and that of the option lessons of music in the 46 colleges . Part three finds where the problem lies by analyzing the present situation . Part four gives the proper suggestions, solutions and strategies aiming at the problems. Part five is the endings.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.9088


文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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