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多元智能结构理论对我国普通高校音乐教育的启示            【字体:
作者:于淳    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  

中文关键词 多元智能结构理论;普通高校音乐教育;音乐教育;启示  

导师 周世斌  


学科专业名称 音乐学

中文摘要 大力发展我国高等教育事业,全面提高大学生素质修养,深化高等院校教育教学改革,目前已成为我国高等教育面临的首要任务。大学生整体素质的提高与否将直接关系到我国全民素质的高低。由于音乐教育在全面提高大学生素质、培养创新精神和实践能力等方面具有独特的作用,因此,如何加强对我国普通高校公共音乐学科的建设,使之与社会和时代发展相适应,已经引起了教育界的普遍关注。本文通过对多元智能结构理论及其中的音乐智能的分析研究,以及对我国普通高校音乐教育发展概况、现状及其同多元智能结构理论相结合研究的问卷调查、访谈和文献研究,从学科发展的角度论证了多元智能理论同我国普通高校音乐教育相结合的可行性、重要性、意义及价值所在。并提出了多元智能结构理论指导下我国普通高校音乐教育课程构建的若干构想和思考。本文共分四个部分。 第一部分,提出问题,着重论述了本论文选题的缘起,阐明本研究的理论价值及实际意义。 第二部分,多元智能结构理论及其在教育中的应用,主要探讨多元智能理论及音乐智能的涵义及对教育发展的价值。第三部分,对我国普通高校公共音乐教育及其与多元智能结构理论相结合研究的调查分析,通过对我国部分高等院校公共音乐教育现状的问卷调查以及对从事公共音乐教育教师的访谈及文献查阅,提出现状中存在的问题并加以分析。第四部分,多元智能结构理论指导下的普通高校公共音乐教育,主要探索多元智能结构理论对我国高校音乐教育的启示及其指导下的对我国高校公共音乐教育课程的构想,明确阐明并提出观点。

英文摘要 It has become the primary mission in China to vigorously develop the tertiary education, enhance undergraduates' overall quality and deepen educational reforms in universities. The improvement of undergraduates' competency will directly influence the quality of the whole nation. Music education plays unique role in facilitating the improvement of undergraduates' competency, fostering spirit of innovation and their practical capability. Hence, it has attracted largely the attention on how to strengthen the development and implementation of China's public music subject in tertiary education, making it adaptable to social development and epochal progress. The paper analyses the structure of multi-dimension intelligence theory and the current status of China's music education in general universities based on existing questionnaires, interviews and literature reviews. It demonstrates the applicability, importance and significance of the integration of multi-dimension intelligence theory and China's music education in general university from music subject developmental perspectives. This paper consists of four sections. Section one: Identification of the issue. It mainly describes reasons for the selection of this topic and further explains the theoretical significance and practical implication of the study. Section two: Theory of multi-dimension intelligence and its application in education. This part primarily makes efforts to explore the meaning of multi-dimension intelligence theory and the significance to educational development. Section three: Research and analysis on China's current status of public music education in general university. This section proposes the issues and analyzes the current situation through questionnaires conducted at some universities and interviews with teachers in public music education area. Section four: Implication of multi-dimension intelligence theory to music education in general university. It explores the development of China's public music education instructed by multi-dimension intelligence theory and puts forward author's personal proposition with this regard.  

DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040472 

文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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