中文关键词 高师音乐教育实习;改革;课程设置;实习模式;评价机制
中文摘要 高师音乐教育实习是培养高师院校音乐专业学生独立工作能力,使其能尽快适应中小学音乐教学的一门重要课程;是检验高师办学思想、办学方向、课程设置、教学效果,推进音乐教育改革的重要途径。音乐教育实习能够加强高师与中小学联系,及时了解基础音乐教育改革的最新动态,反馈教学信息,促进教学改革,提高教育质量。但是高校扩招后的音乐教育实习却面临诸多结构性、机制性的问题,有时甚至陷入了“实习学生送不走,带队老师下不来,中小学容不下,实习部门管不了”的尴尬局面。这不利于实现我们的教学目标:培养合格的中小学音乐师资。因此,剖析国内外高师音乐教育实习的现状,反思我国高师音乐教育实习存在的问题,改革高师音乐教学论课程,构建合理的音乐教育实习新模式,完善音乐教育实习评价机制,是我们必须认真思考和重点研究的问题。 全文包括绪论、正文和结论三个部分。绪论阐明了本课题研究的动机。正文分为三个部分,第一章阐述了高师音乐教育实习的重要性与功能。第二章介绍了我国高师音乐教育实习的现状,并进行了原因分析。第三章根据高师音乐教育实习所面临的窘迫局面,对音乐教育实习的改革进行了初步探索,改革了与音乐教育实习密不可分的音乐教学论课程,建构了“分类集中与单独实习”新模式,完善了音乐教育实习评价机制。 高师音乐教育实习改革的路径还有许多,如根据音乐课程标准的理念与教学内容优化整合高师课程结构,全面培养学生的专业素质等,但是本文仅从音乐教育实习便于操作、切实可行的角度进行论证。
英文摘要 The practice Teaching of college students majoring in music is a major course which aims to train the music professional students' indepent working ability, enabling them to adapt music teaching in primary and secondary schools quickly. Meantime, it is an important way of testing the ideas and direction of running colleges and curriculum and teaching effectiveness and strengthening contact with primary and secondary schools and keeping abreast of current developments in musical education and reform and feedbacking the teaching information and promoting teaching reform and improving the quality of education. But after wide enrolling in college and universities, it is facing many structural and institutional problem. Sometimes even falls into an embarrassing situation. It is extremely unfacorable to the realization of ourteaching goal and the training of qualified music teachers in primary and secondary schools. Therefore, after analysing the current situation of practice teaching of college students at home and abroad and facing up to the problems existing in it, making best use of advantages, exploring the path of reform optimizing the integration of curriculum, forging a reasonable pratice teaching model and establishing a perfect evaluation mechanism and extremely urgent. DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2006.5945