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高师院校音乐研究生教育现状及其教学改革的分析和建议            【字体:
作者:李虹瑾    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 辽宁师范大学  
中文关键词 音乐研究生;教育现状;分析;改革;建议  
导师 陈燕  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 课程与教学论

中文摘要 高师音乐研究生教育是培养精英音乐教育人才的主阵地,研究生教育质量对国家的发展和影响极为深远,但从量变到质变的转变也并不是一蹴而成。研究生教育应该是以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为目的,反映时代对音乐教育的需求,更是为当前音乐教育学学科建设起到推动作用。研究生教育任重而道远,理应受到更多关注,但从目前的教育现状及研究生导师、学生的状态来看,高师院校音乐研究生教育还有待于改革,本文将对以上现象进行分析并提出改革的合理化建议。

Education for music graduates in teacher universities is considered as the principal approach to foster music elites. The quality for graduates education has a great impact on the development of the nation, however, from quantitative change to qualitative change it cannot accomplish in one move. The aim for graduates education is to foster students' initiative competence, practical abilities and to reflect the need of its times as well, in addition, it should play an important role for the current music pedagogy disciplinary construct ion. Graduates education shoulders heavy responsibilities and it should gain more attention. But in terms of the current educational situation, instructors and students, education for music graduates in teacher colleges needs to be reformed. This paper is to analyse the above-mentioned phenomena and put forward reasonable suggestions for reform.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10165.2.2006.9286

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