学位授予单位 首都师范大学 中文关键词 高等职业音乐教育;现状调查;分析;对策 导师 郑莉 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐学
中文摘要 随着现代社会的不断演进和科学技术的发展,社会对人才综合素质的要求不断提高。音乐不仅具有抒发情感、陶冶情操的作用,而且有利于发展人的形象思维,有利于精神文明建设,因此音乐艺术教育在高等职业学校学生素质教育中具有特定的作用。但当前高等职业学校音乐教育因种种原因而发展滞后,有必要转变观念、强化师资、丰富教学载体,建立健全音乐艺术教学研究体制,采取必要的相应措施,认真发展高等职业音乐教育。 江苏省是国家重点发展高等职业教育的地区,高等职业学校的当务之急就是向社会输送大批全面发展的高素质技术人才。培养全面发展的高素质人才以成为时代的需求,高等职业学校的神圣使命。 在高等职业学校中进行音乐教育,对许多人来说,是一个陌生的课题。实际上,科学技术与音乐有着内在的联系。尤其在高职高专学校中开展音乐教育,对于学生开阔视野、丰富文化知识、提高艺术素养、启迪智慧、诱发创造力,都有促进作用。 本文共分为四个部分,首先是对本论题的提出,依靠一定的理论依据分析了相关概念及基本内涵,并确定了本文的研究方法;其次在对高等职业教育相关理念理解的基础上,对国外、国内高等职业音乐教育进行历史性回顾,确立了音乐教育的实施在高等职业教育中的理论意义、实践意义及对高等职业教育的促进作用;再者,对江苏省高等职业音乐教育的现状作了问卷调查,在全省范围内采取抽样调查,主要从教师资源和学生资源方面入手,对学生音乐学习现状、音乐教师现状、音乐课程相关情况、音乐艺术机构相关情况等方面的问题作了有效的研究与分析;最后,针对江苏省高等职业学校的音乐教学面临的诸多问题,提出相应的实施原则,并就音乐教育的各个环节提出了具体的改进措施与实施建议。
英文摘要 With evolution of modern society and development of science and technologies . The society needs human with comprehensive qualities. Music can play a role that helps people express their feelings comfortably and causes their souls clean. It benefits to develop thought of human and build civilization building. Music education plays a special role in higher vocational institutions .In fact ,so many seasons leads to backward of music education, so it is necessary to take measures , for example, the transfer of views for them ,strengthing teachers' abilities, etc. To build a whole research system for music education is an urgent thing. Jiang Su province is a key area of our country for development of higher vocational education. For vocational institutions, it is the most important task to give high-level human to the society ,they regard training high- level human as the requires of times and self-duty. To many people, in music educational institutions ,it is a strange project. In fact, science and technologies has contacts with music inside. Especially, music education is entered universities and colleges .It may widen and enrich students' culture and knowledge . It can improve their art qualities, dig their intelligence and attract their creativity, etc . It is useful to improve their art qualities, cleverness and creativity .The present paper has four parts. First , Argument is given, based on fundamental theoretical analysis and concept. The present paper formulated research ways. Second, based on understanding concerning concepts of education . The author looked historically back higher vocational education of music home and aboard and made theoretical significance and practical significance of music education. The author investigated clearly their situation of students' learning music teachers abilities and music curriculum. Then the author analyzed and researched them effectively. To these existing many questions, here the author gave principles of solution for them and gave them measures for improving and advice for every step of music education. DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2006.8503 |