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普通高校公共音乐教育中研究性学习探究            【字体:
作者:郑园园    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 研究性学习;音乐研究性学习方法  
导师 周世斌  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 20世纪80年代以来,世界各国教育改革浪潮迭起,在全球范围内展开了一场有史以来影响最广泛、最深刻的、最全面的教育改革运动,其核心是通过转变学生的学习方式来改变以“纯知识传授”为目的的接受式教育,从而构建适应国际竞争和社会发展的新教育体系。在这样的背景下,一种新的学习方式——研究性学习应运而生。 当研究性学习方式成为我国基础教育改革的亮点时,中国也掀起了一场学习革命。随着研究性学习在中小学教育实践领域的深入,其优越性得到了很大程度的发挥,越来越受到人们的重视。本文将从研究性学习的理论、普通高校音乐教育现状及价值目标入手,构建针对大学生音乐学习的研究性学习方法,并提出相应的操作模式和方法,以此方法来指导学生的音乐学习实践,对音乐研究性学习方法实施的前景进行展望和构想,使之不断完善。

The tidal wave of education innovation of countries all over the world has swept frequently since 1980s. There outspreaded the most abroad, profound and full-scale education innovation via transiting learners' study pattern and altering passive learning way of simple knowledge imparting with its kernel. Accordingly, there established a new education system which is adaptable to international competition and social development. The educative innovation gave birth to the new study pattern, called investigative study. When investigative study turned into the feature of our basal education innovation, there raised a study revolution in China. Along with the development of investigative study in the education practical field of primary and junior high school, the advantage of this study method has been brought into great play and paid more attention than ever before. In order to guide college students' musical learning practice, expect the prospect of research study approach for music students and improve such method, starting with the theory of research study, present conditions and value objective of musical education of ordinary high schools, this paper will construct the investigative study pattern aiming at promoting college students' music learning and propose corresponding operation patterns and methods.  
DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040474 


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