学位授予单位 首都师范大学 中文关键词 普通高等学校;课堂教学;课外活动;教学内容;一体化 导师 尹铁良 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐学
中文摘要 培养全面发展的人是素质教育的主旨所在,而音乐教育是素质教育中不可缺少的部分,普通高校的音乐教育也越来越受到国家和社会各界的广泛关注,改革开放以来,普通高校的音乐教育得到了长足的发展,广开音乐选修课,建立艺术社团,开展丰富多彩的文艺活动,所有这些不但促进了校园音乐文化的建设,而且在一定程度上提高了大学生的音乐素质。但在总结经验的同时,我们也必须认识到普通高校的音乐教育也存在着不少问题。本文针对普通高校现存的课内外教学内容衔接不紧密的问题提出课内外教学内容一体化的构想,并从理论与实践两方面加以论证。 论文共分为四部分内容。绪论部分介绍了我国普通高校音乐课内外教学活动现状及本文选题原因、理论价值与现实意义、国内外相关研究情况及研究方法。第一章阐述了普通高校音乐课内外教学内容一体化的基本理论。包括相关概念的界定,提出本论题的理论依据及实施的可行性与必要性。第二章论述了实施音乐课内外教学内容一体化的运行模式。主要通过教学内容的构建、保障措施的确立及运行流程来阐述。第三章结合教学实践对我校实施课内外教学内容一体化的情况进行分析,并对现存的问题提出了改进的措施。结语部分对本论文的内容进行了总结。
英文摘要 Cultivating all-around students is the major idea of quality education. Music education is the indispensable part of quality education and has been concerned widely by more and more people, including government and communities. Meanwhile, music education has developed in full scale since the reform and open policy. For example, music courses are opened as optional courses in most of colleges and universities; more art communities and large-scale literary arts performance are organized. All these activities accelerate the progress in development of music culture in campus and improve the students' music quality in extent. However, many problems exist in music education in National College and University. In this paper, after studying the problems about untight connection between cunicular and extracurricular music teaching in National College and University, we bring forward the idea of integration of cunicular and extracurricular music teaching. Moreover, we discuss it in both sides of theory and practice. The paper includes four chapters. The study background, theory values and the existing study methods are introduced in the Introduction. In chapter one, the basic theory of integration of cunicular and extracurricular teaching is presented, including some relative conceptions. In DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040448