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高中音乐课教学如何培养学生的创造性思维 中英文摘要            【字体:
高中音乐课教学如何培养学生的创造性思维 中英文摘要
作者:杜巍巍    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-27



学位授予单位 东北师范大学  

中文关键词 音乐教育;高中生;创造性  

导师 高志民  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 教育  

中文摘要 当前,随着知识经济占主流的时代到来,素质教育的全面推进,新课程标准的闪亮出台,使得人类拥有创造性思维是十分重要的,是必不可少的。因此,创造性思维将越来越引起社会的广泛关注和人民的高度重视。在音乐教育中培养学生的创造性思维,是符合时代需求,同时又具有强大生命力的教育现实。在普通高中学生的音乐教育中,培养他们(指即将转入成年人的学生)的创造性思维,就更是如此。那么,在高中音乐教育中,教师如何正确理解创造性思维,如何培养学生的创造性思维,都是值得我们关注的重要问题,本文将对此进行一定程度的分析研究。文章的绪论部分将阐述“在高中音乐教育中培养学生的创造性思维”的研究起因、研究的理论意义和现实意义、研究的国内外现状。 文章的本论部分将运用调查研究、列表取证等方法,对“普通高中学生音乐现状”进行调查分析。以128名高中一年级学生为被试,调查内容包括学生参与学校、社会音乐活动的状况;对小学、初中学过的音乐有关知识及技巧技能的掌握情况;高一第一学期音乐课的学习效果;对音乐课堂教学的期望和要求四部分。调查结果表明:1、学生喜欢音乐,但层次较低2、音乐基础较差,课堂学习效果不明显3、对音乐课堂教学有一定的期望。针对这一系列调查结果反映出其教学观念、教学评估、教师的创造性意识等问题。文章的这部分还将通过文献研究、课堂观察等方法,来分析、摆明创造性的高中音乐教师应具备创造性的新课程理念、创造性的思维特征、创造性的人格素质等条件。文章的结论部分较为细致地总结出培养高中学生创造性思维的有效途径,即:掌握高中学生的心理特征和三种创造性的教学方法。 笔者希望能通过该文章,为今后研究此类问题提供有效的理论参考,同时也希望能为我国的高中音乐教学、培养高中学生的创造性思维,有一定的实际帮助。  

英文摘要 Nowadays, as information economic is turning into the majority of the society trend, the advanced development of talented education, as well as the standard of new course is coming out, all of these make innovation becomes absolutely important and necessarily. Therefore, people pay much more attention to“innovation way of thinking”and focus on it more. According to such demand, it is essential to training students creatively in order to help them to grow up with mightiness life force in music field. As senior students are about to shift to adult soon, there is no question about to training them become more innovative are much more significant. So, music teachers of senior schools are supposed to concerns about how to help students to get better understanding on“innovation way of thinking”as necessary. Today, author is going to talk about this topic and analyses by all means briefly here. “Introduction”part will expatiate about a series issue of training innovation way of thinking for senior school students are as follows: research reasons, theoretic and realism meanings, as well as actuality conditions of China and overseas. “Content”part will analyze about“Music Actuality Condition of Senior School Students”by survey and list testing. The number of 128 of senior school students (1st year) was tested as example, including the condition of participating in musical activities both from school and society; performance of previous music knowledge and skills; the effect of music lessons of first year (1st semester); the expectation and requires of music lesson. As a result, the following issues are turning out regarding to the survey: 1. Majority of students love music, but the performance is low. 2. Neither musical foundation nor learning effect is impressing. 3. Students still got some expectation for music classes. All above reflects the problems from teaching concept, teaching evaluation and innovation of teachers’consciousness.“Content”part will also analyze and clear about the skills as senior school music teachers are supposed to handle by literature researching and observing class processes, in terms of innovative teaching concept,  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10200.2.2006..KDH  
文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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