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在初中音乐课堂实施合作学习的初步研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
在初中音乐课堂实施合作学习的初步研究 中英文摘要
作者:陈佳    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-27



学位授予单位 福建师范大学  

中文关键词 合作学习;中学音乐教育;互动;小组活动;教师  

导师 马达  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学  

中文摘要 本文是以合作学习(cooperative learning)这一世界上许多国家都普遍采用的富有创意和实效性的教学理论为基础,根据音乐的学科性质、初中音乐课堂的学习与教学特点所进行的音乐教学理论与实践相结合的研究。提出并分析了在初中音乐课堂实施合作学习的合理性与优越性,初步构建了一个如何通过合作学习提高初中音乐课堂教学质量的理论框架。本论文首先阐述了合作学习的基本理念,理论基础以及实施策略,对合作学习自产生以来至今的发展过程进行了梳理。接着阐述中学音乐教育的特征,主要对初中年龄阶段学生的音乐审美态度、音乐审美能力和总体学习能力进行了细致的分析,并结合新颁布的音乐课程标准对中学音乐教学的要求,得出在初中音乐课堂实施合作学习的可行性与优越性。在此基础上,根据作者的教学实践与调查研究,提出了“以教师为主导的小组合作学习在初中音乐课堂的应用”,阐明音乐教师在实施合作学习过程中的重要作用。  

英文摘要 Based on cooperative learning, an innovative and efficient teaching theory widely adopted in many countries, this paper demonstrates a research on the combination of theory and practice for music teaching, focused on the characteristics of music course, and features of music studying and teaching in junior high school. Also, this paper advances and analyzes the rationality and advantage of promoting cooperative learning in the music class of junior high school, and primarily constructs a theoretical framework for enhancing teaching quality in junior high school music class through cooperative learning. This paper first expounds basic principles, theoretical foundations and implementing strategies of cooperative learning, briefing the development of this theory since it first appeared. Then the characteristics of high school music education are shown, making delicate analysis over the musical tasting attitude, musical tasting ability and comprehensive learning ability; plus the requirements that the newly issued curriculum criterion for music course have for high school music teaching, feasibility and advantage of cooperative learning in junior high school music class are thus presented. Based on the results above and the writer's personal teaching experience and investigations, the paper proposes "the application of 'group cooperative learning centered on the teacher' in junior high school music class", and illustrates the important role that the music teacher plays in cooperative learning.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10394.2.2006.0472  
文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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