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当代阮乐艺术普及教育研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
当代阮乐艺术普及教育研究 中英文摘要
作者:张东晓    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



华南师范大学 硕士论文 导师;宁勇

中文摘要 伴随阮乐器而发展的阮乐艺术源自秦汉,兴于魏晋,盛于唐宋,衰落于明清,再兴于当代。新中国建立后经过广大音乐工作者的共同努力,阮乐艺术在乐器改革、乐曲创作、理论研究与人才培养等领域都取得了空前发展。改革后的阮乐器应用较为广泛,不但应用于戏曲、曲艺伴奏中,而且应用于乐曲的独奏、重奏及协奏和民族管弦乐队中,并且亦可与西洋乐器相结合,都能取得出人意料的融合。阮曲创作空前繁荣,其独奏曲、重奏及协奏曲等相继而生,这些乐曲丰富和发展了阮乐艺术,使其有了更广阔的发展空间。随着我国音乐教育事业的发展,阮乐艺术普及教育在国民音乐教育中也发挥着积极的作用。本文简述了阮乐艺术的发展史,总结并剖析了当前阮乐艺术教育的实践成果,指出了其不足,并提出了阮乐艺术普及教育等应对策略,就当代阮乐艺术普及教育在国民音乐教育中的地位、作用与发展提出了前瞻性的意见。实践证明,阮乐艺术的普及教育,也从广度与深度上丰富了阮乐艺术这朵艺苑奇葩,为我国民族音乐屹立于世界民族音乐之林,为弘扬我国民族音乐文化做出了贡献。  

英文摘要 The arts of Ruan, with the occurrence of the instrument originated in Qin and Han Dynasty, flourished in Wei, Jin, Tang and Song Dynasty, and declined in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and revived in our age, with the foundation of new china, the arts of Ruan develop quickly in the reform of the instrument musical composition, and theoretical research, with the efforts of many musicians. After reform, Ruan is applied to various fields, not only in the accompaniment of traditional opera, but also in instrumental solo, ensemble, concert and national orchestral music. And it can also combine with western musical instruments, and obtain a good effect. The production of Ruan musical composition flourished and its solo, ensemble and concerto came into being accordingly. These musical compositions make the arts of Ruan more colorful and enable it to have more spaces for development. With the development of Chinese musical education, the prevailing of the arts of Ruan plays an active part in musical education. The essey briefly explains the development of Ruan, sums up and analyzes the achievements of the prevailing of Ruan, and points out its deficiencies and the corresponding strategy, and brings forth some opinions concerning the function of it in national musical education. It proves by practice that the prevailing of Ruan enriches the arts of Ruan, and contributes to our national music.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10574.2.2003.5467    
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