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近代福建海上音乐交流的初步研究(1840~1949) 中英文摘要            【字体:
近代福建海上音乐交流的初步研究(1840~1949) 中英文摘要
作者:吴少静    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



福建师范大学 硕士论文 导师:郑锦扬

中文摘要 由于特殊的地理位置,福建音乐以海洋为依托,与世界许多沿海国家产生过密切的音乐交流活动。特别是1840年以来,东南沿海海域的开放,使福建成为西方文化进入我国和我国文化向东南亚等国传播的前沿阵地,福建音乐在交融和碰撞中形成了自己鲜明的个性特征,促进了中外音乐交流的发展。本文运用了调查采访、文献、统计分析等研究方法,在史料的基础上,着重从音乐输入和输出两个方面出发,对1840~1949年福建音乐交流活动进行了初步的整理和分析。输入主要叙述了西方音乐在基督教教堂和教会学校的发展情况,说明教堂音乐和教会学校音乐教育在客观上是西方音乐传入福建的重要途径。输出主要立足于福建与东南亚这一特殊的历史地理关系,对福建音乐在东南亚的传播及其影响作初步的探讨,肯定了福建华侨华人对闽乐传播做出的历史贡献。本文力图更多地搜集整理福建音乐向外传播和西洋音乐传入福建的历史资料,试图进一步了解近代福建音乐交流的历史情况,阐述了福建在近代中外音乐交流中所发挥的重要作用。  

英文摘要 The special geographic location enabled Fujian Province to make close communication in music with a number of oceanic countries in the world through ocean. Especially since 1840, the opening-up of south-east oceanic area of China made Fujian the frontier where the western culture entered China and Chinese culture transmitted to Southeast Asian nations. The distinct features of Fujian music formed in mingling and bumping promoted the musical exchange between China and the world. On the basis of historical materials, this paper sums up and analyses the musical exchange of Fujian from 1840 to 1949 in aspects of music import and export by means of investigation and interview, reference and statistical analysis. In respect of import, this article describes the development of western music in Christian churches and church-sponsored schools and explains the church music and musical education in church-sponsored schools were in fact the main ways the western music transmitted into Fujian. In respect of export, this article explores the transmission and influence of Fujian music in Southeast Asia and confirms the historical contribution of Fujian Chinese to the musical transmission based on the special historical and geographical relations between Fujian and Southeast Asia. This paper attempts to know more about the history of Fujian musical exchange in modern times and explains the big role Fujian played in musical exchange between China and the world at that time by collecting more historical materials regarding transmission of Fujian music overseas and western music into Fujian.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2003.1710    
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