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乐队演奏员注意分配的机制研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
乐队演奏员注意分配的机制研究 中英文摘要
作者:蒋聪    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



首都师范大学 硕士论文 导师:周世斌

中文摘要 注意是心理学与音乐心理学学科的一个研究领域。追溯学科发展的历史进程,其经历了构造主义学派的初创时期,行为主义流派的停滞与格式塔流派的合并等低迷时期。直至20世纪70年代认知心理学流派重新受到重视并确立了其独立研究地位,注意分配理论研究才受到重视,并在实验方面不断得到验证和丰富。国内外音乐心理学领域的注意研究(注意分配)主要集中在音乐音响心理研究中的旋律、音高、节奏等基本表现要素方面,音乐表演心理研究中的乐器技能训练、乐队合奏等方面,音乐教育心理研究中的音乐认知与音乐记忆、音乐脑科学等方面。可以认为,有关音乐注意的研究涉及面较为广泛。本研究收集、整理并分析大量以音乐心理学为主线的注意研究的文献资料,调查了其与一些交叉学科的关系及发展前景,将研究的主要目光集中在乐队演奏员注意分配的机制研究这一研究课题。选择这一题目,一是因为这是一个比较新颖的、富有挑战性的问题,二是因为该选题同时具备音乐心理学有关注意理论的基础研究价值和对音乐艺术表演实践的一定程度上的实际应用价值。本研究希望通过对认知心理学注意分配理论和国外乐队合奏中的注意分配研究理论的探讨,丰富音乐心理学有关注意的基础理论,并结合实际对演奏员的注意分配机制问题进行实验研究,从而体现本研究的意义与价值。本研究中所涉及的实验属基础研究实验。实验采用多种科学方法进行,包括重复测量一个因素的三因素混合设计法、反应时记录法、问卷调查法、Presentation软件编程及多种统计方法。实验表明,注意分配中的多重分配理论还不完善,本文认为注意资源分配中存在中枢机制控制环节,可以对不同感觉道的资源分配起到调节作用;注意的容量资源有限,刺激强度对感觉道容量资源的信息加工有影响;个体机能存在内部结构差异,技能差异可以通过训练逐渐减小;本研究有助于演奏员了解注意分配活动过程的认知特征,提高在乐队合奏中的控制能力,为达到好的音响效果起着重要促进作用。


英文摘要 "Attention" is a research field of psychology and music psychology. In the development of psychology and music psychology, attention researches began from the period of structuralism, then through the periods of behaviorism and gestalt with overlook. Till 1970s, when cognitive psychology started, it was paid more attention to, and established its' importance, proposed and enriched its' theory through experiments. The researches of attention and allocation attention in music psychology, home and abroad, are focusing on the aspects of acoustic psychological researches, such as melody, pitch, rhythm, etc; and the aspects of psychological researches in performance, such as playing skill practice, ensemble performance, etc; and the aspects of music educational psychological researches, such as music cognitive, music memory and music neuroscience, etc. As we can see that attention researches in music refer to many fields. This research, collecting amount of materials of attention researches in music psychology, and its development with other subjects, focuses on "the players' allocation attention processing". For one thing this research is original and changing, for the other it is valuable for music psychology theories and musical performance. Discussing the allocation attention theories in cognitive psychology and ARAMEP, it is hoped that to enrich the theory in music psychology. This research is a fundamental research. It bases on experiment, with many scientific methods, like three factorial experiment, reaction time recording, investigation, programming by Presentation, and other statistic works, etc. The research indicates, in the process of allocation attention, there is the function of central system to control and appropriately distribute the attentional resources to different senses; stimulus intensity affects attention allocation; individuals' allocation attention can be modified by practice; this research is helpful to players adjust their allocation attention so that better the performance.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2006.8692  


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