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论音乐艺术的第三度创作 中英文摘要            【字体:
论音乐艺术的第三度创作 中英文摘要
作者:王静    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-26



河北大学 硕士论文 导师:齐易

中文摘要 音乐作为一种艺术实践活动,由作曲、表演和鉴赏三部分组成。其中,听众的鉴赏活动是对音乐的第三度创作,是音乐活动的基本任务,也是作曲家和演奏家工作的出发点和归宿;听众的鉴赏创作决定音乐作品的最终实现和其生命力与历史流传,推动一、二度创作的发展,是音乐艺术教育得以实现的手段。它由感官观照、意象领悟和神志彻悟三个阶段过构成,因其能力的提高受听众艺术素质、生活经验、文化素质与文化传统及背景等因素的制约和影响,本身也是一个不断开放的有机体系。  

英文摘要 Music is a art activity, which comprises of composing, performing and appreciating. And the appreciation of audience is seen the third creation. It is the basic musical assignment and the jumping-off place of the work of composers and performers. It not only decides the music production's ultimate completion vitality and history but also propels the front two music creations ,and is favorable for the music education. The music appreciation has three courses: sense experience, imagic apperception and consciousness downright apperception. It is a open system because it can change gradually along with the influence of audience's artistic attainment life experience, cultural quality and tradition and so on.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10075.2.2003.2414    
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