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21世纪中美音乐教师教育职前课程设置的比较研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
21世纪中美音乐教师教育职前课程设置的比较研究 中英文摘要
作者:邹静芬    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21



学位授予单位 清华大学  

中文关键词 音乐教育;教师教育;课程设置;教师专业化  

导师 刘沛  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 艺术学  

中文摘要 本文通过了解二十世纪八十年代以来中美两国教师教育的改革过程,选取美国密歇根州立大学音乐学院、罗切斯特大学伊斯门音乐学院、中国北京师范大学艺术传媒学院音乐系和华南师范大学音乐学院的音乐教育学科课程设置为研究对象,力图了解课程设置中学分要求、课程结构、课程内容的差异。以课程论、心理学和教育学为理论基础,探讨音乐教育学科的课程设置。采用比较研究的方法,试图了解差异和获得先进的教育改革理念。本文目的在于借鉴美国的音乐教育课程设置的方法,结合中国音乐教育改革的现状和基础,为我国的音乐教师教育的发展提供国际参照;根据中国的国情和音乐教育的特点,旨在寻求最适合本国的音乐教育专业课程设置的方案,为我国21世纪的教师教育改革提供国际的比较参考。  

英文摘要 In this thesis the music teacher education reformation process of America and China since 1980s has been investigated. The curriculum provisions of music education of the Music School of Michigan State University, the Eastman School of Music Rochester University, the Arts and Communication College of Beijing Normal University and the Music School of South-China Normal University are selected as samples for the study. Then the differences of credits, curriculum structure and curriculum contents are analyzed. Based on curriculum theory, psychology and pedagogy, it aims to research the curriculum provisions of music education. By applying comparative study,it attempts to unveil the differences and obtain advanced ideas for the educational reform being conducted in this country. By drawing method from advanced experiences and combining with the status and foundations in the present, the results of the study would offer international reference for the process of Chinese music teacher education. Based on the situation of China and its features, this study is to seek the best possible program of curriculum provision and to offer international reference for the innovation of Chinese teacher education in the twentieth-first century.  

DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.034906  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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