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从新课程的实施探索音乐教师专业化发展 中英文摘要            【字体:
从新课程的实施探索音乐教师专业化发展 中英文摘要
作者:刘玉    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21




学位授予单位 首都师范大学  

中文关键词 新课程;音乐教首都师范大学师;专业化  

导师 郑莉  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学 


中文摘要 基础教育课程改革的不断推进与深入,促使更多的人们关注教育问题。在人们不断深入理解课程改革新理念的过程中,越来越多的人认识到,课程改革的成败掌握在广大教师的手中。对于21世纪的世界,腾飞的中国将会做出举世瞩目的成就,今天的教育将担负起为明天的世界输送合格人才的重任。而人才的培养必然要求拥有一支专业化发展的教师队伍,更要求我们在新课程的实施中探索音乐教师的专业化发展,这不仅关系到课程改革的成败,而且与国民素质的提高紧密相关。随着新课程的实施,我们看到,在不断取得进展的同时,仍有不尽人意之处,比如面对新的教学方式,许多教师对自身的知识储备深感不足,对于新的教学内容感到无法操作。这些现象大大制约了课程改革前进的步伐。据此,我们很有必要在新的课程观下探索音乐教师的专业化发展。探索音乐教师的专业化发展正是在这样的背景下,走进了笔者的视阈,并在对国内外教师专业化发展进行了历史回顾和分析后,进一步尝试研究了我国中小学音乐教师专业化发展的现状与意义,初步探索了在新的课程观下对音乐教师专业化发展提出的要求与挑战,以及实现音乐教师专业化发展的策略。在基础音乐教育课程改革不断发展的今天,笔者希望以本人浅显的研究,从某种程度上,投身于这场轰轰烈烈的改革大潮中,为促进广大音乐教师同行们的专业化发展做一点努力。本文的第一章通过对教师专业化理论的提出与理论实践历程的回顾,综述本题国外研究现状:第二章则通过对我国音乐教师的专业化发展现状进行研究,试图找一些规律,从促进音乐教师的专业化发展;第三章主要探索新课程观下,对音乐教师专业化发展提出的新的要求,并分析专业化音乐教师应当具备的各项知识及能力;第四章则是通过对音乐教师专业化发展三大阶段的分析,进一步探索在新课程观下,促进音乐教师专业化发展的策略。最后对音乐教师专业化发展进行总结展望。 


英文摘要 Since the start of the 21~(st) century, the reform of China's fundamental education has been fastened, and this trend poses unprecedented new challenges for music teachers in terms of their education theories, knowledge and skills. During the process of new curricula implementation, many teachers could not adapt to the new pedagogy. This prevents the reform of curricula from moving forward. The key reason lies in the professionalization of music teachers in the context of new curricula reform. With the deepening of the reform of curricula in fundamental education, more and more people are concerned about education. When people come to understand more and more new concepts about curricula, they realize that the success or failure lies in the hands of teachers. In the 21~(st) century, China will become a prosperous country. Today's education will prepare talents for tomorrow across the world. The education of talents demands a group of specialized teachers. This means that we have to figure out a way of developing professionalized music teachers during the process of curricula reform. This is tied to not only the success or failure of curricula reform, but also the quality of all Chinese citizens. Based on the above-mentioned background, I started the research about the issue of the professionalization of music teachers. By reviewing and analyzing the professionalization process of teachers in China and overseas, I researched about the status quo and meaning of the professionalization of elementary and high school music teachers in China. New requirements and strategies for professionalization of music teachers within the context of the reform of curricula were identified. I hope my research will contribute to today's reform of curricula in music in fundamental education as well as the cause of the professionalization of peer music teachers. This thesis consists of the following parts:Review of the theories and practices about the professionalization of teachers, and a summary of status of research about this subject in China and overseas; 1. Through researching about the status quo of the professionalization of music teachers in China, find out some rules and principles which can facilitate the professionalization of music teachers; 2. Find out new requirements originating from the professionalization of music teachers within the context of the reform of curricula, and identity the  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.9090  


文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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